BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


Gift are abilities that certain humans are born with. What separate magic from gifts is that gifts do not require that the user speak spells, or use as much magic. Gift are common in strong bloodlines, in fact all royals have a gift related to their family. Also certain race all have a gift. Beyond strong family bloodlines and race, gifts pop up at random. It is said that those with gift are favored by the gods, but this is not necessarily true.  

Allspeak: Those with this gift are called Allspeakers. It is the gift of language. The gifted can understand any language they hear, and that include animal and plant communication. At a higher level allspeakers are also capable of speaking any language, but they must hear it first and must be physically capable of the type of communication. For an example, an Allspeaker without a tongue wont be able to make most of the noises a human would would use.


Armorskin: Those with this gift are simply called Armorskins. The gift of super durable skin. It is effective against weapons that would normally pierce, cut or serve flesh. At a higher level, Armorskin also haves a reinforced body form, that assists in taking blunt force attacks. However it doesn't provide protection against elemental attack, such as fire and frost. Stronger armorkins  have rougher, but more durable skin.


Braveheart: Those with this gift are called are called Bravehearts. The are able to turn off emotions as desired. This gift allows bravehearts to eliminate the feelings of pain and fear. It also completely protects the mind. This includes immunity to charmspeak, empathy, and mindspeak.


Blackblood: Those with this gift are called are called Blackbloods. Blackbloods have blood that is black and a poisonous to other living beings to others. In small doses in weakens the target in larger doses it can become deadly.The gift also makes all Blackbloods immune to all poisons.


Charmspeak: Those with this gift are called are called Charmspeakers. It is the Gift of persuasion. The voice of Charmspeakers deeply influence others to obey and listen. However has varying degrees of effectiveness based on personality of target and the power of the Charmspeakers. Those in love or who admire a Charmspeaker are more susceptible to their influence. However, awareness and training can assist a target resist the effect of charmspeak


Coldskin: Those with this gift are called Frostbiters. The gift of cold proof skin. It makes Frostbiter immune to frost bite and freezing. They have a very cold skin temperature and with practice they can amplify at will. This gift is connected to the emotion of sadness. Thus Frostbiters temperature will drop involuntarily when sad.


Deathspeaking: Those with this gift are called are called Deathspeakers. This gift allows a Death speaker to communicate with the dead. Experiences ones can allow the dead to talk through them, however this runs the risk of possession.


Deathtouch: Those with this gift are called Deathdealers. A gift that allows Deathdealers to absorb the lifeforce of other living beings. This absorbed lifeforce to increase the gifted vitality, strength, recovery, or magic ability. At the same time it weakens the target which the gift is absorbing from. If contact is maintained long enough the target will die.


Dreamwalking: Those with this gift are called are called Dreamwalkers. It is the gift to walk in the dreams of others. All Dream walkers are lucid dreamers. It also can an effective form of communication. When this gift is first discover dream walking will seem to happen at random to those near to the Dreamwalker. Powerful or Experienced Dreamwalkers can create or manipulate dreams in others. The gift can only be used on sleeping targets and easier done when target are closer to the Dreamwalker. However Dreamwalkers can dreamwalk over longer distances with targets the Dream has a connection with, especial if it is an emotional bond.


Emapthy: Those with this gift are called are called Empaths. This is the gift to sense and share emotions of others. When Powerful enough it allows the user influence the emotions of others. and even among groups


Everlife: Those with this gift are called Evers. Evers does not age. Thus they grow to their adult form and retain their youthful appearance and vitality. They cannot die of old age. However, they can be killed by other beings or illness.


Flameskin: Those with this gift are called Firebrands. The gift of fire proof skin. It makes Firebrands immune to heat and burning. The gifted has a very hot skin temperature and with practice the gifted can amplify at will. This gift is connected to the emotion of anger. Thus a Firebrands temperature will rise involuntarily when angered. They can even ignite if they reach a level of rage.


Fleetfoot: Those with this gift are called are called Speedsters. This is the gift of speed. They simply have a greater speed for all their normal abilities. This included physical movement, reaction time, intelligence, and , and metabolism


Flight: Those with this gift are called are called Flyers. This gift of flight without the need of magic. Speed and agility can be increase with training and with additional magic


Foresight: Those with this gift are called Foreseers. It is the natural ability that allows the user to see into the future. Usually visions will be random or commonly occur in dreams. However, skilled and experienced Foreseers can look into the future at will. When receiving a vision the gifted eyes turn completely white. This gift can be further refined with time magic.


Ghostwalking: Those with this gift are called are called Ghostwalkers. This is the gift of intangibility. It gives the user the ability to phase through physical matter or to let physical matter phase from them. There are also unaffected by gravity in the intangible state, so they are capable of floating temporarily. However it is important to note that that a ghost walker is unable to breathe while intangible. Also the only movement possible in the intangible state is the inertia from before a Ghostwalker goes intangible. They also cannot pass through pure energy or magic.


Hiddenfoot: Those with this gift are called Hiders. The have the naturally ability to disguise their presence. Most commonly Hiders do these to camouflage themselves with their surrounding. However their movement can still be visible to a trained eye. Also they cant naturally disguise their clothing or equipment, unless they are enchanted. At a higher lever Hiders can also hided their presence, magic, mental imprint, and bloodlust


Hindsight: Those with this gift are called Hindseers. A natural ability to be able to see into the past. Usually visions will be random or commonly occur in dreams. However, skilled and experienced Hindseer can look into the past at will. When receiving a vision the gifted eyes turn completely black. This gift can be further refined with time magic.


Hosting: Those with this gift are called are called Hosts. Host are natural born bonded to either a spirit, demon or Martyr. Thus the spirit, demon or martyr natural resides within the Host. The Host call on the hosted power and even allow for possessions, transformations, or fusion with said spirit, demon or martyr. Also the hosted spirit, demon or martyr is not seen as a impurity to a Host. This provides protection against Sanctity and purifying rituals. However if the demon or spirit is managed to be removed from the Host, the Host will die


Intersight: Those with this gift are called Interseers. A natural ability that allows the user to see events happening at the same time, without the limits of distance or obstacles.This included vision in the dark (though it is without color in the dark). Thus Interseers have potential to see what is happening on the other side of the world so long as they is looking in the right direction. The gifted’s eye turn completely gray when using intersight.


Lifetouch: Those with this gift are called Lifegivers. A gift that gives the user the ability to physically heal others and themselves. However, unlike the regeneration gift it has to be activated. It also requires physical contact to work. It works on all living begins including animals, plants, and fungi.


Luck Those with this gift are called are called Clovers. Hard to describe gift as it naturally makes the gifted lucky. Meaning many unforeseen events seem to work in forever of Clovers. However most of the time Clovers are unaware of their gift.


Magisense Those with this gift are known as seekers. They have the instinctive ability to sense the presence of magic. This can be used to detact magic beings and item. It can also be use to sense how powerful magic items are and to detect and track the flow of magic. At the highest levels seekers can gain magisight, which they re can actually visualize magic.


Mass Memory: Those with this gift are called are called Recordkeepers. Recordkeepers have photographic memory and are immune to memory loss or manipulation


Mindspeak: Those with this gift are called Midspeakers It is the gift of telepathy. Mindspeakers can naturally speak with others within their mind. It also allows them to read the minds of others, however it they are varying degrees of mindspeak and it is capable to protect one’s mind from mindspeak with training.


Possession: Those with this gift are called Possessors. It is the gift to possess other physical forms temporarily. This can be applied to all living forms. However, the possessed can pushed out the possessor with enough will power. Possessors physical form seals itself within the possessed


Regeneration: Those with this gift are called Killproofs A gift that gives Killproofs the ability to automatically heal itself. Meaning they are not easily killed by conventional means. They can only be killed if their body is killed in one shot, such as with chaos magic or cellular level disintegration. However, there are varying degrees of this gift. This gift does not stop the aging process. So the Killproof can still die of old age.


Rottinghand: Those with this gift are called are called Rotters. This Gift allows Rotters to breakdown or decay material that they touch. Works on living and nonliving material.


Sanctity Those with this gift are called are called Purifiers. They have the ability to detect impurities in others and banish or call out these impurities. There are varying degrees of power. this gift provides immunity to possession.


SeedSkin: Those with this gift are called are called Gardeners. Gardeners have a natural connection to plant life. In fact, unique plants grow from their skin allowing them to perform photosynthesis to a limited degree. They also are able to communicate with and through plant life.


Shadow Walking: Those with this gift are called are called Shadowalkers. Shadowalkers can turn into an intangible shadow and move in within the shadows. However this means they cannot approach sources of light. In fact if light is shined on a Shadowalker they will be forced into their physical form.


Shockskin: Those with this gift are called Shockers. The gift of electrical conductive skin. It also makes them immune to electrical attacks. Shockers can conduct and redirect electrify across their skin and with practice they can amplify at will. This gift is connected to the emotion of happiness. Electricity will crackle across the skin of the gift they are very happy.


Soulwalking: Those with this gift are called are called Soulwalkers. It is the gift to send ones spirit away from their body to observe the surrounding. The wandering soul is capable communication, levitation, and invisibility when wanted. The wandering soul is also intangible and can pass through all substances, including energy, the void and magic. However while a soul is away the physical body is extremely vulnerable as is remains unconscious it also is vulnerable to possession. Also the soul must find its way back to its physical body for the Soultwalker to wake. If the spirit cant find the body, the body dies, the body is destroyed or the soul connection to the body is severed then the wandering spirit will become a ghost


Stoneskin: Those with this gift are called Stonebloods. With this gift scabs of stone grow on stonebloods skin. The type of stone varies, as they can be rock, minerals, or crystals. Certain patches can fall off and the stones can be manipulated by magic. Shed stones have a high magic content.


Stronghand: Those with this gift are called are called Stonghands. This is gift of supernatural strength. Strength can be trained to become even stronger


Stronglife: Those with this gift are called Strongsouls. This gift gives the gifted a supernaturally strong Lifeforce. It also gives them an unnaturally long lifespan. Meaning they can sustain more injury for prolonged period of time before dying. Their lifeforce are also an exceptionally powerful as a source or spells, barriers and seals. They also are known for their high stamina, and thus do no need much sleep and do no tired easily


Transformation: Those with this gift are called Skinchangers. Allows the gift to turn into a specific form without the need of magic, items, sacrifice, or spells. However, this gift usually is limited to one other form. This other form can be entirely different creature such as an dragon. It also can a transformation to a certain material, such as stone or a metal form. With experience the gifted can perform partial transformations. Any other transformations will require magic beyond their gift.


Underbreath: Those with this gift are called Underdwellers. The gift to breathe and live underwater. Thus, Underdwellers cannot drown. They are also able to survive in deeper regions of water without being crushed. However they do not have and reinforce body on land


Unspoken Magic: Those with this gift are simply called Unspoken, An extremely rare gift. This gift connects the mage direct to magic itself and can use magic without the need to speak spells. Also their deep connection to their magic allows them to pull on a somewhat limitless amount of magic. However, without spells the magic is harder to control. In fact their magic is known to react to their emotions.

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Cover image: by Israel Rodriguez


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