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A dark ore that naturally absorbs the life force of living being that touch it. It causes necrosis when held for too long. Strongsouls are especially vunerable to this metal as their strong lifeforce seems to "encourage darcmetal to absord their life force more quickly and feed on them for a longer period of time. However, Mortaf and deathdealers seem to have complete immunity to the negative effects of the metal and can even extract the life force that Darcmetal absorbs. Thus darc metal used in in many Mortaf weaponry and jewelry.


Material Characteristics

The ore is darc black in appearance with a sheen and hints of a silver waves. Once processed the metal appears as a lack metal with feint silver waves. The more pronounce the silver waves are the more lifeforce is contained in the darc metal

Physical & Chemical Properties

The ore naturally absorbs the life force of most living beings that touch it. When it is process these rate on life force absorption increases. If held for too long it can also cause necrosis spreading from the area of contact. However in the case of Mortaf and death deals life force can be extracted from darcmetal for increased healing, or to strengthen their power.   Areas with a some content of Darcmetal ore make it easier to open a portal to the Afterworld. The large the amount of darcmetal the easier it is to open a gate to the Afterworld.


When processes and combined with Onyx it forms an alloy known as Mortosalo, which negates magic and absorbs lifeforces. The combination of these materials also increase the rate magic and lifeforce is absorbed. This alloy can affect on Mortafs and Deathdealer, thought at a slower rate than other living beings.   Some alloys of darcmetal have been created to weaken the life absorbing proerties of darcmetal. This makes it safer to be used by those not resistant to darcmetal. However these alloys can streghten the durability of darcmetal

Geology & Geography

The ore is forms in areas where an entrance to the Afterworld was opened. Darcmetal also grows in concentration and size every time a gate is reopen in the same location. For this reason darcmetal is found commonly around deadgates, or areas involving afterworld rituals. The highest and largest concentration can be found at the dategate found in Dealios. Darcmetal also seems to slowly form wherever the Goddess of Death walks.

Life & Expiration

Durable but relatively flexible as a metal. Thus they do not make the most durable weapons. Also darcmetal does not seem to have a limit to how much lifeforce it can absorb.

History & Usage


Originally, areas with raw darcmetal ore was revered as hallowed ground . This was partially due to its association with the death goddess and theareas ability to make it easier to raise the dead. Many believe the ground itself was a direct connections to the Afterword. Also that fact that only a select few (Deathdealers) could even step on the ground reinforce the belief as the ground as sacred.   However with the creation of the Mortaf race came a deeper understanding of darcmetal itself. This eventually lead to learning how to process and refine darcmetal. This caused a shift in the general perception of darcmetal. It change form a element of sacared lad to an element to be fear and avoided.


It was naturally occurring ore i which no life could exsist. So most naturally occurring ore is discovered and avoided.

Everyday use

It is mostly commonly used by mortafs as their entire race is immune to darcmental. Plus Mortafs rule Dealios with has the largest amount of darcmetal ore to access. The use it to create many of their unique items such as jewlery, weapons and protective vessels.   Living beings that are not immune to darcmetal can still use darcmetal tiems so long as they do not directly touch darcmetal. For an example they can use a darcmetal knife as long as the hilt is not made of darcmetal, or if the user is wearing gloves.


Darc metal ore can be refine to get a more pure form of darcmental. It can alsoe be combine with other mineral ad ores to make alloys.


Darcmetal naturally absorbs the life force of living being that touch it. It causes necrosis when held for too long.

Material Overview

black with feint silver waves
Boiling / Condensation Point
Melting / Freezing Point
Common State
Solid black ore
Related Species

Cover image: by Israel Rodriguez


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