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Sersei: Goddess of Death

She is the goddess of @deat. Distant from most interaction with humans she does not have many major following of worshipers. In fact she is mostly feared by humans as she is seen death itself, hence the nick name Lady Death. She is called Queen of the Afterword due to her command over the dead can freely traverse to the Afterword, land of the dead. Some call her the Virgin Goddess as she never committed to the physical actions of reproduction in order to produce offspring order. To the Luposari she is known as Deadwolf due to her commonly used luposari form she takes, Her title the Sad Sister, stem from her relationship with Halris: Goddess of Life. They treat each other her as sisters as they both manifested during the soul Eras, Hence the pair is known as the sould sisters.

She rarely has children but those she has are born with her eyes and some of her markings. They are powerful death mages, and all have the gift of deathtouch . They cannot die, but can still be injured and require healing. They are free travel to trough a deadgate to afterworld.

One of her scared places is called Sersei Garden . It is a forest surrounding the black lake filled with deadly wildlife. In fact, many of the creatures she made in her loneliness. It is said her garden is where Sersei goes to cry as it’s is the only place deadtear is found. However, if you unfortunate to hear her crying you will learn how and when you will die.

Divine Domains

She is the Goddess for death magic, but over time humans have come to associate ths the goddess of the Afterworld and Rebrth. She is also known as a patron goddess for assassins

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The three common representative symbols for Sersei are the Black Swallow, Eater tree & the Black pearl. The swallow is a driect reference to here common animal form and scared animals. Eater are associated to her as they appear to be dead and frecuently appear in locations she favors. Lastly the black pearl referecr to her dead rosary she holds.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Normally appears female, but as a goddess does not actually have a gender. In her most common form she appears as a teenage mage girl with paper white skin, very long white hair with 2 red streaks. Her eyes are completely black except her white iris. In her mortaf form she is a silver eyed variant the very long white hair with red streak. She has black skin with gray marking on forearm and eyes. She has 2 curved horns on her forehead and 2 on the side of her face that point forward. in her full luposari form she is a blackfur with white underbelly and red eyes with red tuffed ears. She is also tall for a luposari, but not as muscular. 
  In her true form white marks appear on body that form a pattern on her body that resembles a simplified Skeleton and the rest of her skin turns jet black. She also has 4 curved white horns that point forward an up at the tip. Her iris turn red, and she grows to appear like a full grown woman with long black stiletto nails. Her animal form is a black swallow with with white skeleton markings. She also has 2 long red tail feathers.

Facial Features

4 forward pointing horns and black eyes with red iris

Identifying Characteristics

Simplified Shelton like tattoos and black stiletto nails. She is also known by 4 horns

Special abilities

She can control death magic at will without limits. Everything she touches begins to die, so you can see her footprints as what she steps on dies. Her blessing takes form of a kiss that leaves a black mark on the bearer. Those with her blessing cannot die til the blessing wears off. She is even capable of creating a permanent death magic conduit, takes form in a permanent Afterworld gate. It allows the living to go into the land of the dead and vice versa.

Apparel & Accessories

Sersei Cloak: A cloak that can that gives the wearer the ability to completely hide even from death.
Dead Rosary: a necklace made of Onyx and black pearls that grants the wearer immortality while worn

Specialized Equipment

Deadtear :Tears from the death goddess. Those that touch it directly die, unless they are a death magi or have the gift of deathtouch. Can either be given be goddess herself or found. However, the only place they have been found is in Sersei’s garden. The never I evaporate and must me carried in a vessel if non living material such as stone, metal, or ice. Powerful ingredient involve in concoctions involving death or has consequences within the Afterworld.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

She has a fairly happy deposition, but pessimistic. She is a Goddess that is feared by most as sphe sees human lives almost like toys and treats them as such. However, she favors those with the gift of death touch as they are the only living beings she can touch without killing. She also favor those who understand and openly accept death. As warning she is one of the worst goddesses to anger. She incur her wrath patiently over time. Also death and torture are to simple for her. Her wrath comes across in more creative ways. Just look at the Story, Song of the Death Singer

Personality Characteristics

Likes & Dislikes

Likes: Deathdealers, Those who respect dead, Ghosts, Mortafs, Death Magic users, Swallows, Eater trees, Argentomo Tree 
Dislikes: Those that abuse Deadgate, Those who cause excessive death, Those that use her name to justify murder, Traitors, liars

Divine Overview

Death Sersei color.jpg
Sersei Goddess of Death by Israel Rodriguez
Additional Titles:
  • Lady Death
  • Queen of the Afterworld
  • The Virgin Goddess
  • The Sad Sister
  • Dead Wolf
  • Death
Divine Domains:

Death and the Afterworld

Divine Symbols & Sigils:

Black Swallow, Eater tree & the Black pear

Common Forms:

Mage , Mortaf , luposari, Swallow

Divine Classification
Date of Birth
Begining of the Soul Eras
Completely black except her red iris
Long straight white hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Paper white
Ruled Locations
Sacred Spaces:

Sersei GardenVivatom


Mortanoko: Night of the Dead

Related Religions:   Divine Goals & Aspirations:

Maintaining the balance between death and life

Cover image: by Israel Rodriguez


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