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House Zeiko

House Zeiko is a powerful family which founded and are in charge of the Sppriggan city of Zumedio and its surrounding territorites. The family famous for refining the process for creating various qualities of Acrolight. They are a relatively young noble fmily that is currently onluy 4 generations deep. They then built up the city of Zumedio with the profits from their trade of Acrolight. A family revered by the cities citizens but seen as ruthless druglords by other cites of Springa . Their insignia is a a hexagon with 6 diamond place at the vertices. Their house words are “Controlling the Game with right pieces”, as it embodies their family tactics of manipulation, intelligence and intimidation


House is lead by a singular head known as the Boss. The Boss' word is law, but it is their responsibilty to maintain the prosperity of The family and by extenstion the city of Zumedio. To help with this, bosses have a council of 6 called the Mafiaso Six. They assist the Boss oversee and provided key insight the various sector that continute to the overall growth of Zumedio. The 6 sectors are the Secotrs or Security, Trade Coin Health, Science, and the public.   The position of Boss is handed down to whomever the previous boss deemed as their successor. Usually a boss will oublicaly do this while they are still in power in case anything were to happen to them. In the case that the boss died before a successor is choose the Miafioso Six will collectively choose the next boss.


The founding member of House Zeiko was Griselda Zeiko a Decay Farie. Orginally she was a orphan who never knew her parents. She wanders the slum of old Zumedio until she meet an Arcolight dealer Zeiko. He took her under her wing and tuaght her how to make arcolight and to defend herself. Evenually she became so skilled she began to find ways to refine arcolight better than Zeiko.   However when she was 17 a raid by a city gang lead to the brutal death of Zeiko. This spurred Griselda to take her dead mentors name as her family name ,and she took the money they earned to travel and go to school in Xeria. At school she became close with 2 friends who were also orphan; Philip a alchemy mage and furture and Azario a Nergias. Once graduated they returned to Zumedio and used their new knowelge, magic skills and tech set up a an Arcolight Ring.   In the meantime, Griselda also got revenge by personally sabataging or elminating the gang that killed her mentor. During this time she gained the reputation as the "Smoking lady" due to her smoking habit, decay magic, and twin pistol Gatlins It was during this phase that she met the rest of the members of the first Mafiaso Six; Soba the gargolye, Pei Chan the laogai, Balboi the dwarf, and Naiomi the farie   Griselda and her squad collectively took on the last name Zeiko and estblished themselves as a growing force in Zumedio. Griselda also made it a Zeiko tendancy to improve the slums, her first home . They would renavate buildings, provide protection and vreaate community celbrations. That plus their high quality Arcolight made them well liked by the public. This made them a threat to established gangs and the current govrnment, the Champas. However Griselda forsaw this. Usinf the profits and connection form their arcolight sales, She lead House Zeiko to systematicaly accuire, subjugate, or elimate rival gangs. Meanwhile the Zeiko good works allowed them to will the favor of the people, and eventually overpower the Champas. THe Champas atempted to brand the Zeiko rise to power as a rebellion, but when the fellow nobles house saw the good the House Zeiko was doinh they instead recognized the Zeikos as an offical royal house. From there House Zeiko continued to build up the city. Griselda Marrried Philip and they had 3 children. These eldest son Pablo would become the next Boss and start the legacy of House Zeiko with his own Mafioso six

Demography and Population

The Zeiko "bloodline" is unique in that it is not a fully herditary bloodline. It started with a coven on the first founding mafiso six and boss. Thus house zeiko has Faire, Mage, Nergias, Gargolye, Laogai, and dward bloodline. ANd since it is young it has not diversity much beyong these races.


The rule over the city of Zumedio which is located just beyond Itorah Falls, where the Inverno river splits. THey are also in charge of the surrounding lands of the city.

Trade & Transport

The Zeiko Family gained their fortune throught the creationa and dealing of Arcolight. However they have expanded into the various other sectors to grow Zumedio.

"Controlling the Game with right pieces"

Griselda Zeiko
hexagon with 6 diamond on vertices
Magics Bloodlines:
decay, alchemy
Reoccuring Gift:
Historical Racial Ancestry:
Controlled Territories

Cover image: by Israel Rodriguez


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