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As city placed on a fork on the Invero River close to the center of all of Morteron, just north of Itorah Falls. It is an old city that used to be riddled with corruption and massive class separation. Now it is an up in coming city ruled by the House Zeiko, which used its control on the drug trade in order to build up the citys and to foster its citizens.   House Zeiko governs the city with strict set of laws that focus on loyalty and have a sense of black and white justice. However the cittizen agrees to this due to all the benefits that House Zeiko reward for it loyalty and obience. In fact the city is a very modern and due to the Zieko effort does not have any slums


Zumedio does not have a single majority race. Its location near the center of Albions makes it a hub for many different races.


Zumedio is currently led by House Zeiko. The house itself was orginaly a drug dealing gang that gained the favor of the people by building up the city. House Zeiko itself is lead by a leader they can the Boss and their council known as the Mafiaoso six. They have a strict rule and sense of justice. But theire subject follow in order to reap the benefits of Zeiko loyalty.


Most of the cities defences are natural To the south they have Itorah falls. To east they have the rapids of Inverno River and to the west they have the Sinoma River. COntorl of these bridges provides the most protection they need. They are only technicaly exposed to the north. In the during the cities orginal founding a wall was built. However ever since the rule of House Zeiko the gate have remained open and some citizen even live on the old wall

Industry & Trade

Zumedios location close to the center of the contient and near majior water way made it a prime trading location for various regions. However their most profitable trade is the drug trade facilitated by House Zeiko. Especialy their creation and distribution of High Quality Arcolight, which House Zeiko is famous for.


During the Zeiko renovation the city has had greatly improved its layout. Generator along the river supply enrgy to the city. The city is also equiped with dikes and emergency canals to deal with flooding. The largetest canal feeds into lake Oagai


The city was founded back after the Great Lakes War. It was orginally created to defend a dam that divided the Inverno River to create the Sinoma river which would feed into lake bluestone. Thus in was mostly settled by the workers to maintain the dam and warriors to defend it. This warrior class also rose to leadership positions due to their time inbewtten fighting and abilty to impose there power on the working class. This was the begining of the class division   As the fortess grew to a city TImes became more peaceful. Many of the the warrior class began to transistion to a diplomacy and trading. Quickly the already powerful warrior class now became rich due to Zumedio's prime trading location.Plus they could increase their wealth by profiting off the labor of the desparate working class. Eventyually this elite class would become a group of aristocrats know as the Champas who governed the city.   They city then became divided by the super rich Champa districts in the south and the slums of the working class in the north. Furthermore they used corruption to maintain power, and even invested in the gangs of the slum to keep the working class suppressed. Thi system of suppression worked until the Zieko gang began to exploit the drug trade. Eventuall the Zeiko gain enough influence over the slum and personal power that they we albe to over throw the champs and become the new noble house.


THe city has modern architecture throughout as most of it was buld during the zeiko renovation. Some prominent features: - Zeiko Tower home of House Zieko and the tallest tower in Zumedio -Zumedio Dam Dam the was orginally build to split the inveno river. However over the years natrual erosion and modfication , such as the use of everstone, made the dam appear as a natural organic rock formations that no longer has to be maintained or recarved.


The lands surrounding lands are flat and fertile as they are place between two rivers. He avaiblity of fresh water also helps to regulate the climate. most of the lands ar covered in lush grasses, bushed and shurbs
Inhabitant Demonym
Owning Organization

Cover image: by Israel Rodriguez


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