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Light Magic

Magic to create and manipulate the element light. It can be used to form rigid contructs or masses of energy formed from light.. Light can also be manipulated in it’s non solid form such as hallograms or guidance. Light magic also has strong purifcation properties. It has a bright golden magic circle and has a constructive, purification, and movement attribute  


Light Magic Martyrs appear as a light contruct of the beging original form.Howeever They keep their mouth as their sole distinguishing feature. THey wander the day and night illuminating the darkness. They also have an instinct to purify substances they com in contact with. Rhey are difficult to catch as the are capable of briefly, but repeatly move at speed of light. However they can be stopped, stunned or trap by substances that reflect or refract light, cuch as mirrors, water, crystals, or metal. Also restraining them with shadows can prevent them from light traveling. When destroyed they a release a flash of blinding and purifying light  


Basic Level

  • -illuminate: A spell that summons a ball od light that acts as a movable light sourcet
  • Light Travel: A spell that allows user to brielfy move in a in fast intangliable light form. It can repeated to change direction or increase distance travel. while in this state movement interacts with enviroment as light would. So they can past throught opaque object and their direction is changed in materials that refract light
  • Altered Light: A spell that allows user to alter the appearance of light. It can be use to make something invisible, change light color and with more skill can be use to create static illusions
  • Focus Laser: A spell thatproduces a focused laser of light. Magic control can effect the focus and power of the laser. THe power can range from an simple laser pointer up to a laser with great cutting power. With proper control it can also be used as a weilding tool.
  • Bright flash: A spell that relases a blinding flash of light. Highly effective at pushing back shadows.
  • Light blast: A spell that fire a short blast of light with great concussive force.
  • Lightforme: Blade A spell that creates a light contruct weapon whose shape can be defined by caster. FOrm an example it can be used to create arrows, swords or axes.
  • Lightscreen A barrier that creates a transparent screen that can be use for defensive purpose
  • Shining Shackle A seal in the form od a collapsing ring of light on a target. the forms of the collapsing ring can be control by users magic power used.
  • Lightscreen A barrier that creates a transparent screen that can be use for defensive purpose
  • Lightforme: brightwhip A spell that creates a flexible light contruct weapon, such as a whip whose lenght and movement can be defined by caster.

Advance Level

  • Holy Chains: A spell that creates mutliple chains made of light to attack or retrain a target
  • Hologram: A spell that creates a moving visual illusions limited mostly by the users ability to visualize and creativtiy
  • Laser Circus: A spell that releases a mulitple rays of light that can be directed to hit a target.
  • Bright Ray: A spell that fires a ray blast of light with great concussive force.
  • Light blast: A spell that fire a short blast of light with great concussive force.
  • Lightforme: Rays Dance A spell that creates multiple light contruct weapon whose shape can be defined by caster and be controntroled seprately.
    Lightforme: Radiant Peacock A spell that creates and light contruct in the form of a peacok that can be used for defensive purposes. It has a slight purifying and energy replenishing effect for those that bask in its light.
  • Lightforme: Bright Bird A spell that creates a light contruct in the form of a flying bird whose size and exact shape and be define by caster. Can be use as an tracking attack or as a mode of flying transportation.
  • Flickering Transfer A ward used to transfer an object from two points at speed light.
  • Refracting Prison A barrier that takes the form of a polyhedron formed of light. the higher number of faces on the polyhedron the stronget and barrier, but they are more dificult to cast. It can also be used to contain a target.
  • Lightforme: Luminous armor A spell that creates a light contruct armor that the use can wear while in combat.
  • Glowing halo A ward that makes the caster shine with halo of light. It can be used to physical abilties, grants the caster flight and makes it easier to cast Light Travel. It also protect against shadows. and is effective on Light sensitive creatures. Requires constant magic control to maintain and is highly effective with martial arts.
  • Bright arcr A spell which user can project slashes of light with cutting power. Can be focuses with a weapon.
  • God Rune:DayCaster has to create the God rune for "Day" using light. Once created shines brilliantly to illuminate entire area and purifies the area.

Sage Level

  • Heavens Judgement: A spell that summons a highly large pillar of destructive light from above
  • Light Show: Achant that can maintain mutliple moving visual illusions
  • Shining Rain: A spell that releases a myriad of highly destructive beams of light
  • Lightforme: Shining Verdict A spell that creates a giant light contruct weapon whose shape can be defined by caster.
  • Lightforme: Shining dragon A spell that creates and ray in the form of a dragon that can moves in in fast sharp angles.
  • Lightforme: Flickering horde A spell that creates a massive quantity of light contruct weapons whose shape can be defined by caster.
  • Shadow Slayer A ward that bansihes all shadows in a certain area radiating from target.
  • Enlightening Arrow A speels that summons alarge bow and arrow that fires with fierce piercing power and speed.
  • -God Rune: PunishmentCaster has to create the God rune for "Punishment" using light. Once created it release an instaneous highly destructive ray of light the incerated all that is cuaght in its light
  • -God Rune: MirrorCaster has to create the God rune for "Mirror" using light. Once created it summons a field the repeatly reflects directive beams of light throughtout the area.


  • Shining Baptisim: A ritual that require alot of magic and uses complex array or runes. Is creates a pillar or light that purifies all targets in the light of impurities.
  • Bright Law: A ritual that require a massive amounf magic to start and matintain. THe ritual produces a shining ight that burns and "purifies" all the user considers an enemy in a certain area. Keep in mind that enemies are decided on a subconcious level so it can have an undesired effect due to hidden feelings. Also the effectiveness of the spell on certain targets depends on the level on malice the user has towrds the target.


-Dawn Saber:Silver blade with a gold edge and hilt and hollow center. It was forged with 12 souls of light mages willingly given. Gives the wielder the ability to summon and use the 12 swords of purity; swords made of pure light with the ability to destroy curses and possessions. Extremely effective on demons and spirits as well. The wielder can manipulate the size of the sword as well. Famous blade of the Hero of the Dawn. It is housed on Radiant Peak, and those under the protection of the God of Light. Only he can determine one worthy to use the saber.
  -Rings of Asariel: A weapon forged during the Ester wars. It consists of 3 rings each of different sizes. They appear to be made of gold metal inscribed with runes and embedded with mage gems, dragon teeth and glass. The exact process of making them was kept secret however they are said to be blessed by the light god himself. When placed inside of each other the 3 rings spin to gather magic. They once aligned they release a powerful destructive laser
  -Epirus Bow: A bow that once activated can fire arrows of light without the need for casting. The power, size, quantity and shape can be further manipulates or enhanced with light magic
  -Shine Saber: hilt that can realses a blade of light without the need for casting. The power, size, quantity and shape can be further manipulates or enhanced with light magic

Magic Overview

Asariel: God of Light Magic
Magic Circle:
Bright Gold
Conduit Form
Illuminated orb or colum of purifying light
Shadow Magic Magic
Void, Chaos, Barrier, Lunar, metal
Sound, Decay, death, demon
Fire, Crystal, Water, Ice, Celestial, Solar
Magic Zones:
Purification Column, Radiant Peak
Enhancing Events:
High Noon, day
Magically Proficient Races:
Mages, Angels, Angulia, Nomes
Metaphysical, Arcane

Cover image: by Israel Rodriguez


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