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Also called “Moon wolf”, lunalupos are giant wolves that live in packs, or can be found leading other nonmagic wolf packs. The closer to the full moon the calm and more benevolent they are. Lunalupo on a new moon are usually more aggressive and savage. Linked to lunar magic and said to run with the moon Goddess. They can spirit walk, and their fur have magical properties.  

They are said to be descended from a pack of wolves that would run with the lunar goddess, Yueia . However humans began to hunt this pack out of fear. Thus Yueia blessed we favored wolf so that the may defend themselves and their offspring.

Basic Information


Wolves big enough you can ride them. They have long fur with variations of white. However, the coloration vary depending on the phases of the moon. The have silver claws and eyes vary from intense blue to silver in color

Genetics and Reproduction

They reach maturity around 2-3 years of age. Around this age they will find a mate, which they will mate with for life. Female come into heat towards the beginingg of winter and will give birth to liters of 2-3 pups in spring.

Growth Rate & Stages

Lunalupos have 3 life stages, Youngling, Adult and Elder
  • Youngling

    the is the first 2-3 years of a lunalupos life. it is when they learn the ways of the pack and how to survive. At this age lunalupos are capable f little magic. Their behavior is also extremely subjective to the phases of the moon. at this age
  • Adult

    This stage begins once a lunalupo reaches maturity. First a lunalpo will leave the pack. over the course of a year they will either join a new pack, create a new pack, find a regular wolf pack, or return to their family pack. thos stage is also when they are at peak physical shape
  • Elder

    As a luno lupo reaches the age of 14 their body is no longer in peak physical shape. However in this stage lunalupos get a significant increase in control of lunar magic. they even gain more control of their behavior during different phases of the moon tey commonly care for pups when the pack goes to hunt. It is said the strongest elder lunalupo are even asked by the moon goddess herself to join her pack

Ecology and Habitats

The live in colder or mild climates of the southern regions. They also prefer land they are free roam and hunt.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Lunalupos are skilled at pack hunting. They combine their great endurance with group strategy to take down a variety of prey.

Biological Cycle

lunalupos behavior changes with the moon. On a full moon their fur lightens. They are benevolent calm and common seen as guides, healers, and proctors This is also when their magic is strongest.. During a new moon they their fur darken. the become moresavage, violent and aggressive. they can be dangerous during this time. however it is also when they are physically strongest.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Lunalupos live in hierarchical packs of about 5-15 members. status is typical determined by age. lunalupos of higher status seems only to be visible in the respect they are given by younger member. Usually the single eldest member of a pack will serve as an absolute leader or Alphus. And once the Alphus dies or joins the moon joins pack the role of Alphus is automatically assumed by the next eldest lunalupo.

Lunalupos are also known to lead regular wolf packs as well. Typically they become the alpha to these wolf packs.


While Lunalopos thrive in they wild, they can also work well with humans in the correct situations. Lunalupos that are raised by humans will develop an intense sense if loyalty and devotion. They also have a sense of loyalty to humans that heal or assisted their pack. Bonding with an alphus can also gain the loyalty of an entire pack.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

  • Fur from lunalupos is an ingredient commonly used in concoctions or enchantments that need a connection to lunar magic. The type of hair, white vs black have different effect and uses.
  • Due to their size and stamina lunalpos can be train to be steeds , for travel in their natural habitat's terrain.
  • Their connection to lunar magic makes them powerful lunar familiars as well. When bond correctly they can be loyal companions as well.

Average Intelligence

While they may not be capable of creating and performing high intelligence on their own, they can learn patterns and commands well. They also are very intuitive creature that rely on their instincts.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Lunalupos share sensory abilities akin to regular wolves. However they larger size gives them a considerable advantage in strength. They are even more famous for their stamina. Also they have a natural connection on lunar magic. They can perform minor act of magic themselves and strong acts when they work as a pack. They are also capble of spirit walking.

Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms

Lunalupos are know to be natural enemies with Hienosen, as Hiennosen with cross into Lunalupo territory and compete for the same prey. Conflicts between theses pack often end with casualties on both sides.

Species Overview

Common Names






Natural Regions Found

Wintercov, Brislepine , Hollien, Whitelands 

15- 20 years
Conservation Status
Lunalupos are fairly common in environments that can support them. They are also tamable and can become extremely loyal familiars, Steed, and companions.
Average Height
4-5 ft
Average Weight
200-300 lb
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Lunalupos general fur color depends on the phase of the moon. The their fur lighters as time reaches a full moon, then darkens as they approach a new moon.



Rider Steed

Harvested Products

Lunalupo Fur

Cover image: by Israel Rodriguez


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