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Mortanoko is also known as the Night of the Dead. It takes place on the on the night of Aglomora 24th. It is the night of transition between fall and winter and the night when the Afterworld is most connected to the living world. It is the night Sersei, Goddess of Death allows the souls stuck in the first Ring of the Afterworld to complete unfinished business so that they can pass one to the lower levels for the Afterworld. These ghosts can visit living loved ones, act upon past regrets, or pass on needed information.   However ghosts can only enter the living world at either their location of death, a deadgate, or the location of their remains. Luckily death magic is also at its peak at this time. Rituals and spells involving death magic become easier to perform and on a higher level . In fact, death magic user become very valuable at this time as they can easily summon certain ghost that have crossed into the living world. Death magic users are also sought after for protection against malicious ghost or to manipulate crossed over ghost.   In general what happens on Mortanoko greatly varies on the ghosts that pass over and what they do. However, certain regions have develops famous traditions and festivities around the Night of the Dead:
  • Dealios Dead Festival

    One of the largest Mortanoko celebrations that takes place in the Covian city of DealiosDealios That even the death goddess herself attends. The city has a the largest Morteron deadgate at its center and is he cite of the first Mortanoko. Mortanoko also happens to be the day the original mortafs were first created in Dealios. Thus Mortanoko takes an extreme celebratory atomosphere. At sundown the great Dealios deadgate opens and hordes of ghosts pass into the world of the living. However as a city of mainly Mortafs there are an ample amount death magic users to moderate the ghost behavior to control the chaos. During this festival most citizens and visitor will paint their faces and travel around the city enjoying all the food, games, contests, music and lights all though the night. In Dealios Mortanoko is a night to party with your dead one whether they are dead or alive.
  • Parade of Petals

    A Parade that takes place in the Spriggian city of Roselin. When Roselin was a small village it citizens used to leaves paths of petals so that ancestors could find there homes on mortanoko. However as the city grew the practice of petal paths caused many of the roads to get blocked by the all the petal. So leadership devised the parade in order to encourage the clean up of the petals. half way into the night a travelling parade of musicians, dancers, and travels would kick up the petals to be scattered into the wind. Over time ornate floats were also added to the parade. These floats collect the scattered petals to form beautiful sculptures and flower shows. It is a parade ornate for its beauty that even gods come to see.
  • Retribution Rings

    Tournaments that take place in the twin Brislepin cites Toane and Pit. Due to their deep reverence for fight culture found that many of the ghost that returned to the cities had many feuds with fellow ghost or the living. Living citizens realized that the best ways to allows the ghost to pass on would be to allows them actually fight out their feuds. So special rings are erected, in which living participants serve as willingly host for ghosts looking to fight. There are also numerous of other special tournaments in which ghost can serve as spectators as well. It is a night of violence and camaraderie
  • Lantern Festivals

    Festival in which special lanterns are made to light the way for ancestors to find their family homes. Some regions also have many public festivities under the lamp lights. Many of the eastern regions regions have their own version of a latern festival. However the most famous are the Lantern festivals of Varden, Sunpeake, Higarden, and Kings Island. Varden is famous the craftsmanship and beauty of their lanterns that illuminate the forest all night. In Sunpeake is famous for all the public festivities and the release their flying lanterns into the sky right before sunrise. The Higarden festival is famous for the floating that make its surrounding lake glow. King Island is famous for their illuminated sail boats that they burn at sunrise.
  • Sersei Circus

    As an area constant conflict, Freefora had the issue of dealing with more malicious ghosts than benevolent one. Thus most Mortanoko traditions in these are began technique to ward of malicious ghost and to resisted their influence. This included practices as evil eye masks, ritual dances, and loud deep tribalistic music. These have combine into what is know as Sersei Circus. People take to the streets and perform many of these dances to loud music while wearing mask that inspire fear. To natives the circus is a fun release of carnal instincts and emotion. To outsiders it can look like a festival of horrors,
  • Day of Remembrance

    The Common practice for most people in the western lands of Morteron. Most people spend the night with their families or at gravesite of their loved ones in hopes to meet with their ghost. Other will create family altars for their ancestor. For most Mortanoko is a quiet night of bonding and calm. In Blacklin and Whiteland most activities are even cancelled during the day. Many family will have special dinners and recall stories of their loved ones.


Mortanoko was not always something that Sersei allows to happen. Long ago Sersei had been visiting village of Dealios that was having a harvest festival on night of Aglomora 24th. At the festivities she found a 4 children in the graveyard who seemed to be the only ones not enjoying themselves. She spoke to each of them and discovered they were all orphans and had no family to celebrate with. In the spirit of celebration Sersei allowed the dead family of the orphaned children to pass over into the living world as ghosts. She told the children they had until sunrise and the children would have to bring there family ghosts back to the graveyard.   To Sersei's surprise the children actually willing brought back the their family ghost before sunrise. She watch as the orphan childen said their farewells and the ghosts returned to the Afterworld. Sersei also noticed that ghosts of the orphan children family received closure and were ready to pass on to the second level of the Afterword. This gave Serei an ideas. She would allows the ghost of the dead to pass over on night a year, allowing the dead and the living to get closure. Then as a gift to orphans Sersei created what would become the great Dealios Deagate at the graveyard of the 4 orphan that would later in life become the first Mortafs.

Cover image: by Israel Rodriguez


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