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Sacrificial States

Sacrificial States are modes that certain beings can enter in order to perform certain functions or task that they cannot do in their normal state. In order to enter these states either certain condition have to be met, or they can be triggered with ample training. While the payoff can be great, these states all come at a cost to the user. Also, these states are meant to be temporary, prolong time in these states will come with consequences. In general, the Sacrificial States can be organized into two categories; Hyper-States and the Null-States.  


The hyper states are sacrificial states which manipulate the mental, physical and magical balance of a being. In their normal state, mental abilities, physical power and magical control are all in balance. However, when a being enters a hyper-state, they greatly increase their mental, physical or magical limits by reducing or losing control one of the other type of abilities. The dangers of prolonged hyper-state typical lies in their chaotic or destructive potential.  


Bloodlust is the result of the trade of mental abilities for physical power. In this state, the user greatly increases their physical abilities to a point that it exceeds their normal physical limits. However, it comes at the cost of their mental capacity. The user will lose all sense or morals, have limited logical ability, and the loss of emotional control. The initial danger of prolonged use comes from self-harm as bloodlust causes the user to exceed the body’s natural limits. This can lead to self-harm. However more importantly bloodlust makes the user temperamental. Then combined with the loss of moral, blood lust user can commit terrible and dangerous act to themselves and those around them.
Bloodlust is a state that is typically involuntarily triggered. It typically can be triggered when a being reaches an extreme emotional breaking point while also maintaining a stronger resolve to perform a task in spite of their own morals. Hence bloodlust is also known as "Avenger Wrath". Some beings can learn to purposely activate bloodlust after experiencing it naturally. Many psychopaths are capable of triggering it as well. Certain races are also capable of bloodlust in other conditions.
  • Luposari can enter bloodlust on the hunt and instictually enter bloodlust when badly injured.
  • Kirakai can enter bloodlust while on the hunt or when they corner and in danger
  • Sarkovians and Liazo can trigger blood lust when enraged or in a frenzy.
  • Orick can trigger bloodlust if in serious or emotional combat.
  • Shadai can trigger bloodlust when a shadai is hungry and senses blood. They can also enter Bloodlust after an excessive or emotional feeding.
  • Baki can enter Bloodlust as will.

  • Sage State

    Sage State is the result of the trade of magical abilities for physical power. In this state, the user directs their magic flow in order to renforce their body and increase their strenght and speed. It also increase the users reaction time, sense and in some being can gain magisense. However, it comes at the cost of their magic control. While in Sage state the user cannot cast external magic manipulations. Also prolonged use runs the risk of reducing a being ability to perform more advanced magic manipulation not link to their phyiscal abilties
    Due to its required focus Sage State activation is typically achieved throught training. It require a great deal of magic control combined with physical instinct and awarness to unlock this state. Thus magically inclinded martial artist are best at achieving sage state. Still magic control prodegies are alos known to be able to enter sage state. Some races are natrually able to enter Sage State.
  • Varag are almost consisently entering Sage Sense as all their magical abilities are physically linked
  • Shiro naturally enter sage state when endangered or threatened or frieghtened to increase their senses and agility,
  • Kapai naturally enter sage state when they curl into a defensive form .They use it to great renforce their durabilty
  • Kaidori can choose enter sage state when tired to boost or prolong their stamina.
  • Sowui naturally use a minor form of sage state when in the presense of the sun, which is why are typical stronger durin the day

  • Deep Meditation

    Sage State is the result of the trade of physical ability for mental focus. In this state the user completely calms the body and turns off the senses. In turn the user is able to delve deep into the mind, memory, subconscious, and soul. At its most basic level it can be used to relive or unlock memories interact with dreams from the subconscious, or to detect foreign influences on the psyche. It can also be used to commune with being hosted in a user. At a higher level In also allows a user to access the Collective Conscious. This is a mindscape of the psyches of all living thing in a area. Thus, the user can detect living thing and with enough train enter the psyche of nearby beings. Deep mediation is dangerous in itself, but does leave the users unaware and exposed to physical forces. Also, in the Collective Conscious the user runs the risk of being corrupted or influence by other being with mind magic or other mental capabilities.
    Due to its required focus and mental self-awareness deep mediation has to be achieved through training. It also requires a high level of emotional control and open minded. Thus, spiritual or enlightened ones tend to do great at achieving deep mediation. Still certain races can more easily learn deep meditation:
  • Ents are masters of deep meditation are naturally able to enter this state at a young age
  • Wodalf easily learn this state and commonly the collective consciousness to maintain a strong sense of community
  • Artisha naturally use this to access the many memories (due to long lives) and to connect with nature
  • Levia natural enhanced mental abelites make it easily for them to learn deep mediation and often use the Collective Conscious to enhance their mental influence.

  • Hyperthought

    Hyperthought is the result of a trade of magic control for mental capacity. In this state, the user directs their magic flow in order to increase their mental processing power. During Hyperthought the user thinks at a faster rate so they can easily process complex calculations, run mental simulations, commit massive amounts of information to permanent memory. It also can be used to increase analytical abilities allowing a used to become more aware of details in their environment. However, it comes at the cost of their magic control. While in Hyperthought the user cannot cast external magic manipulations. Also, when users stop Hyperthought, they are temporarily at reduced mental capacity and prone to headaches. Prolonged use runs the risk of overloading the mind leading to a catatonic state which can be permanent in certain conditions.
    Due to its need for focus and intention, Hyperthought has to be learned. However, with a decent magic control it is relatively easy to learn compared to other Hyper-States. However, the amount of time a user can use Hyperthought before overloading greatly depends on the users natural mental capabilities. Thus, intelligent beings seem to be the most capable use Hyperthought. Typical humans can only maintain it for about 2-5 mins. Thou some races have a natural advantage on using Hyperthought
  • Dwarfs on average can maintain Hyperthought for around an hour. They typically use it in researching, and increase their awareness when working on complex objects
  • Eukalions on average can maintain Hyperthought for around an hour. They typically use it for created magic calculations and runes
  • Shiro on average can maintain Hyperthought 3-5 hours. They typically use it to increase situational awareness.
  • Metalliods on average can maintain Hyperthought for about an 2-3. however then are known to use mechanical alteration in increase their Hyperthought capabilities. They typically use it to perform advance calculations
  • Levia are famous for how long they can use Hyperthought. An average Levia can maintain Hyperthought 8-10 hours while some of the more advance users can maintain it for more than a day

  • Passion Fury

    Passion Fury is the result of the trade of mental capabilities for magical power. A users can enter this state while expierencing an intense emotional expierence. It can range from any emotion such as rage, grief, shame, sadness or even joy. While in passion fury the user expierences a great increase in magic power. In fact, during passion fury the user will have a magical aura depending on the type of magic. However as the user is in an emotional state the run the risk of unintentionally acting on emotion without logic. Also the additional magic power can be difficult to control and may produce undesired or additional effects.
    Passion Fury is a state that is involuntarily triggered in times in emotional stress. Passion fury typical occuring in beings that naturaly emotional expressive, instinctual. or lack emotional restrain. Plus it requires that the user have a natural good conection to magic. Thus passion fury is common mistaken as a magical version of bloodlust. While any emotional being is capable of passion fury some race trrigger it more easily.
  • Drakoians are trigger passion fury when injured. Plus they are naturally instinctual beings whose culture values expressing feeling over logic
  • Angulia are known to be very reactive to enter passion fury when in danger or scared. It usually takes form in discharge of magic
  • Zephien have personal clouds that already react to regular emotions. so they easily slipp into passion fury with any heightened emotions
  • Hellian are natural very expressive and have a powerful connection to fire and burst magic. Magics with volitlie and reactive charactistic
  • Farie are special in that they are known to trigger passionfury from extreme happiness. It usually takes form by possitivelty affecting their environment.
  • Kaidori develop a form of passion fury combined with martial arts training in order to perform limited unspoken

  • Conduitation

    Conduitation is the result of trading physical abilty for magic power. In this state the user allows magic to freely flow through them. This allows the user to access greater magic or to serve as a source for other magic manipulations. in this state, the user eyes glow and they appear to be surrounded by a visble magic aura that depends whose color depends on the magic type. However this state is physically painful to maintain and can restrict movement. This could prevent a user from use magic manipulations that require complex of expressive gesture. The initial danger is that it leaves the user vunerable and if distrupted can result in a dangerous release of magic. Also they longer it is mainted the more painful it becomes. Prolonged use can result in complete loss of magic control and possiible creating an unintentional conduit. If maintained beyond the body's limit it leads to Martyrdom
    For Conduitation to be purposely triggered the user will need great magic control in order to catalyze magic flow that leads to conduitation. External sources,m such as another magic being or a an enchanted item, can also be used to trigger conduittation in other beings. Hoowecer conduitation is mostly commoly triggered on accident. In typically triggers in magic manipulations (especially rituals) in which the magic flow and control requires exceeds the users abilties. Mages are the race most prone to conduitation as they are known to get involved in complex manipulations, are naturally less magically powerful, and have a relativitely weaker physical limit.  


    The Null-States are sacrificial states in which the user can turn off a specfic abilty. The danger of prolonged use of null- States is the potiental permanent loss of reduction of function in a normal state.  


    Moralization is a state in which all sense of morals and ethics are turned off. It ends once the users decides to turn them back on. However usually this commonly requires motivation from outside sources. This abilties typcyalle delveopes as a result of truama. Certain individuals are born with this abilties but unknowning turn off morals at a young age, unaware of lack of morality. Some races natrually developed the ability to use moralization
  • Shadai developed the morialization ability help with psychological effects of blood feeding. Its used more openly by red shadai. Blues are capable of but culturally refrain from using it
  • Baki were created with this abilty as they were created with the intention of being executioners that would perform immoral acts.
  • Metalliod delveoped moralization in order to discover possible immoral solutions as needed
  • Kirakai inherited moralization as a survial tactic
  • Mage are the races has the highest rate of humans born with this ability

  • Null Thought

    Null Thought is a state without thought. It empty and calms the mind. The user appears to be inn a completely relaxed state. It also makes in the mind unreadable as there is nothing to read. The users can chooses when they want to end null thought. This state can be learned with mental mediation and training. Some races natrually developed the ability to use Null thought.
  • Artisha & Psyreni use null thought for meditative purposes
  • Shiro & Sangoi delveloped null thought in order to hide their mental presense and for resistence in possible interrogation.

  • Euphoria

    Euphoria is a state without logic and morals. This allows a user to just be and revel in their emotional and senses. This can be positive or negative depending on the users current emotions. THis state is know normally learned but is typically triggered by certain materials or magic manipulations. Thus it wears off once the material or manipulation wears off. However certain race can trigger eurpohia with the use of foriegn substances
  • Tuars seemed to naturally be able to trigger euphoria. They commonly used it in their many festivtives and celebrations.
  • Sarkovians use foreign to revel in the spirit of battle
  • Loriei & faries commonly devloped euphoria to maitian a happy disposition.
  • Levia delvelop Euphoria in order to relax from their contant mental use
  • Xersian use eurphia so they could emoption lose themselves in their stormcalling rituals

  • Hollowization

    Hollowization is a state without all emotion. It allows the user to think and act without the influence of their emotions. The user chooses once they want feeling to return. It can be learned by thought with emotional control. However it can also be triggered as a response to trama, espically grief. SOme race developed to use hollowization more easily
  • Zephien delvoped hollizations and a failsafe if their emotion go out of control
  • Metalliod delveoped it in order to think make decsion without emotional motives
  • @ang & Wodalf delveloped hollowization culturally as their society value emotional control
  • Uroges were created with this abilty as they were expect to calm deal with medical matters

  • Numbfeel

    Numbfeel is a state without physical feeling. Therfore the user cannot feel heat, cold, pain, or pleasure. Its important to note it only effects the user ability to percieve phyical feeling, but their body still physicaly aflicted. FOr example in numbfeel the user will not feel cold or paain, but could still suffer frostbite. This stated and be leearned with extreme mental foucs The user chooses with to end numbfeel. Some race can naturally use numbffeel
  • Orick & Trull were created this ability as they were expected to last long in battle regardless of injury
  • Osoiro delveloped numbfeel to pair with their regernation abilties in order to deal with the pain of injures they could survive
  • Giants delveloped numbfeel naturally with their already dulled sense of feeling

  • Magisever

    Maggiserver is a state without magic connection. It allows the user to completly hide their magic presense. It also to get passed magic repelent magic manipulations. However in this state they cannot perform any acts of magic. This ability is triggered by pressing certain points on the body, call flowgates and a little magic control to disrupt a beings magic flows. Depending on how many, how hard and which points are hit the user/targetwill be unable to use magic for a certain amount of time. However these points can be used pressed again in order to correct the magic flow without waiting. Some race can trigger magiserver at will with pressing these points.
  • Shiro & Goblyn activate magiiserve to hide their magical presense at will and quickly and as part of their combat style
  • Varag are famous for their proficencey of using magisever in combat as they can see flowgates with their advanced magisense

  • Hibernation

    Hibernation is a state without conciousness. The user enters a deep stasis that encourages natural healing and recoovery. It also slows normal bodily function allowing the user to survive longer than when active. It can be used to extend ones natural life span. It is typically magically induced. When induced conditions can be set for when the user is to wake up. it can be anything ranging from time, environmental factor, physical condition, trigger words, celestial events, or material substance. It can also be ended with signitficant outside interference. Some races wcan eneter Hibernation without the need for magic
  • Osoiro inherits hibernation from there bear ancestry. They have to enter a yearly hibernation in order to maintain healthy growth and vitality. Sometime they will hibernate more freculently if they have sustain heavy damage. They use it to speed up recovery or as a survial tactic in unfavorable environments
  • Kapai & Gaians use hibernation to extend ther life space
  • Ent use hibernation when a deep recover is needed. They also use it as an escape as they hibernate with in their trees.
  • Oricks they use it to speed up recovery or as a survial tactic in unfavorable environments
  • Negias enter hibernation when with are low on energy. WHile in hibernation they unvolentarily absord engry from nearby sources,
  • Gargoyles stonesleep is just a variation of heibernation in with the gargolyes body become everstone

  • Cover image: by Israel Rodriguez


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