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Salionus Kingdom

With the End of the Convergence Warr, Everest Sailon rose as a hero. However he was also an ambitious and charismatic man that just become one of the most powerful human ever. Thus he used is popularity and charisma to establish his own kingdom around the Mortal Nexus.   Then he looked to expand. With his reputation many neighboring civilzations willfully joined his kingdom, reaping the benefits of joining this new powerful force. Then with a large enough force The Salionus Kingdom could intimidate neighbors to pay tribute. THe Saliouns kingdom was even tolerant of other cultures so long as they recognized the Salionus athuority, Those that rebelled would be crushed under the Sailonus Army, or the power of Everest himself.   This continued for hundreds of years as Everst mastery of magic allowed him to greatly prolong his life. The Sailonus Kingdom would grow to become the largest civilization of Morteron. With Nexus at its center, Sailonus expanded its reach from the west coast of modern day whiteland. The Kingdom continued east to all the shores of the Sunsea bay. They even had control of all the Spring lakes to the north and continued to push into all the southern territoes of the Holy forest   With all this expansion and territory the Sailonus needed an effective system to maintain control. Everst and his advisors sought to esblish lordships to manage the vast kingdom. However they had to select leaders that were both powerful enough to keep control, understood the specfic of the regions, and still maintain loyalty to Salionus. Everst answer was to foster many children in order to form alliance with cooperating government. in order to establish a bloodline he could trust to rule his empire.   This bloodline seem to inherit is Everest's strong connection to magic. Every Sailon was capable of using all magic as a primary magic. They also have the Upsoken gift for at least 1 type of magic. Thus the Sailon names would come to be know as the most powerful magic bloodline. Everest's sons and daugter themselves would ensure the growth and control of the empires for centuries. However they eventually would seve as its downfall. As his desednat would overthrown him and divide his kingdom making way for the @sail.


Everest Sailon himself, with his mastery of magic manage to live and thrive for centuries. He remained the sole highest power in the kingdom.However after some 500 years of extended life is pschye began to decay. In his later years he grew increasing paranoid and cruel. Many believed that the cuase was a curse placed on the crown to drive him to insanity. Some believed the gods themselves were personaly punishing him for atempting to be like them. Other believed his magicaly extended life was simply was cuasing a break down of the mind. Nothethless Everest began to shut himself out from the public and personally punished those who did not please himself. He even renforce the walls of Nexus and was known to ramble on about a war of the gods.   It all came to a head with the affair of Shanaia Sarseed. She was Everest's consort in the former city of Oagai. However she had an affair with the then current lord of Oagai, Frank Sailon , Everest's own decendant. From the the affair Shanaia became pregant with Frank's child and entended to keep it. The paranoid King rarely visited is consorts so So the consort believed she was safe. However some how Everest discovered the birth of the child and was furious.   However Everest wasnt as furious at the affair itself. it was the fact that his consort actively choose to have a child with his bloodline, a force he feared the most would over throw him. He saw their betrayal as treason and an atempt to usurp him. In his fury he went sudddenly went to Oagai. In is rage he made Frank and Shanaia watch as we massacred their familes. He then magically manipulated Frank to slaughter the child and manipulated Shanaia to eat the childs remains. Next he cursed Frank and Shanaia to wander the land til ther death. Then realsed his wrath on the city of oagai, utterly destroying the city and leaving lake Oagai on its ruins.   This terrifying display of power and cruelty go the attention of the other Sailon Lords and Lady. They realized even they were not safe from Everest insanity. They decided to come together in order to kill Everest. They found Frank and Shanaia and broke their curse in order to summon Everst to a trap at Lake Oagai where 45 of his desendant battled to kill Everest. In the end of the battle the children on Everst succeeded. These surviving Sailon Lords and lady then divided the Sailonus kingdom land and enventually lead to the creations of the Sailon Empires.

1-1-1|117c - 9-19-512|117c

Geopolitical, Kingdom
Government System
Power Structure
Autonomous area

Cover image: by Israel Rodriguez


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