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Shrinking Violets

Ground cover plant known for its flowers with deep violet center and lavender edges. Medically usedfor its oil which can be used to tense muscles. More more famously know for being a bane of gaints. The first Shrinking violets were created by the final living titans. They cursed the flowers to avenge their fellow fallen titan brothers. They then spread the seed to the winds as one of their final acts.

Basic Information


Shrinking Violets are a ground cover with durable leaves with bright and dark green variegated leaves. the leaves also have small bristle-like hairs that make them unpleasant to eat raw and serve as a mechanism to inject their oil on the skin of victims that step on them. SHirking violets also produce a high amount of little 5 petal flowers. THe flowers usually have deep violet centers and lavender edges.

Genetics and Reproduction

Given conditions are favorable, Shrinking violets continue to produce the little flowers. However the quantity of flowers tend to increase in warmer growing period. As a ground cover, Shrinking violets can cover a large area adjacent to themselves and will connect root systems when ten met with other violets. THe flowers produce small light seeds that can be easily spread with wind.

Growth Rate & Stages

Seeds take about 2-3 weeks to germinate and about 3 months till the plant is ready to flower. However this process can be sped up if a shrinking violet connects to a Bloom. A Bloom is a collective of violets that connect their root systems allowing them to share resources and expand faster and live longer. Plants will continue to flower all year, however the flower count varies throughout the year. DUring peaking growing season in summer, shrinking violets create a field of purple. However in winter months their flowers will be few, but their oils will be more potent.

Ecology and Habitats

As a ground cover, Shrinking Violets thrive in partial shade, but can also do well in full sun. THey also prefer loose soils that their seeds can easily anchor into. They also are fairly hardy and able to grow and cold and warm climates

Dietary Needs and Habits

As a ground cover, Shrinking Violets thrive in partial shade, but can also do well in full sun.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

  • Titanbane Oil: Concentrated Oil collected from the leaves of Shrinking violets. In controlled doses it can be used to induce muscle contractions. However it is used most commonly as a poison, especially against giants. Against other races the oils can be use as a paralytic
  • Petalviolet: The petals of SHrinking violets which have a slightly modified oil that takes longer to take effect but have a longer lasting effect. When used for tea to help induce and assist in birth. It is also uses topically as a cosmetic to tighten skin and increase muscle definition
  • Shrinking Violet Pollen: THe pollen doesn't really effect most humans, unless allergic. However when inhaled by giants it represses their enlarging transformation for long amount of time. For this reasons giants will avoid being in area on Shrinking violet blooms

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Shrinking Violets have a variety of medical uses for most races. Shrinking Violets oil that are known to cause muscle contractions & cramps when absorbed through skin. When ingested it can be used to induce vomiting.   However Shrinking violets are a Bane to Giants in various ways. In fact they were specifically engineer by the last Living Titans as revenged. When touched, shrinking violets induce intense muscle contractions that cause a giant to become painfully paralyzed. On top of that Shirking violets can reverse the giants enlarging transformation ability. Prolonged exposure actually causes a giant to shrink. When ingested by giants it acts as a deadly poison as it causes a giants internal organs to shrink at various rates. A skilled magic user can use magic manipulatives to counter the rate of violet effect, but the process is skill painful for victim. THe best option id to remove or purify the poison.

Species Overview

Common Names

Titanbane, Littlefoot

Plant type

Flowering Plant



Natural Regions Found

Brislepine, WIntercov,Springia, Whitelands, Autumia, Blacklins, Westril

1-2 years
Conservation Status
Average Height
2-5 inches
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
SHirking violets also produce a high amount of little 5 petal flowers. THe flowers usually have deep violet centers and lavender edges. The shades of prple can vary
Flower Description

little 5 petal flowers. THe flowers usually have deep violet centers and lavender edges.

Leaf Description

durable leaves with bright and dark green variegated leaves

Seed Description

deep purple elogated seeds

Harvested Products

Titanbane, Petalviolet, Shrinking violet pollen

Related Items

Cover image: by Israel Rodriguez


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