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The Titanborn Builders

The largest race of Morteron. Masters of body magic and naturally use their gift of transformation to enlarge themselves. They are the descendants of mages that inject themselves with the bloods of the slain titans after the Titancaso . Giants are also known as the titanborn, Big Men, Buildmakers, and Heavybrows, "titanborn" Is a more honorary title referring to their origins. The "Big Men'' title refers to their large size and stature. The "Buildmaker" nickname hints to the giants skills as builders and architects. Last "heavy brow” is a derogatory name referring to their heavy brows and dulled sense of touch and hearing.   Giants have a strong respect for bloodlines due to with origins form the blood of titans. He bloodline they choose to declare in referred to as their Kin. Usually they lead by the oldest and most experienced members.Kins also tend to band together as this allows them to create structures and homes to accommodate their size. While experience is a prime factor on a kins power. Giants of larger natural size can also have positions of additional influence.

Basic Information


Giants share most of the human traits however giants are stockier build. They tend to have proportionately thicker legs. While all giants have petty thick skin, their color and appearance varies with the variant. However skin colors tend to be a shade of gray. They have round pupil eyes whose color varies from amber, green and blue. Giants also have a stronger bone density and composition to deal with their additional size.

Biological Traits


There are 3 variants of giants, Ash giants, Frost Giants and Stone giants. The variants developed according to the type of titan blood used by their ancestors. Thus each variants has a slightly different look, abilities and resistances  
Ash Giants
Ash giants were originally created using the blood of destroyer titans. Appearance wise Ash giants have dark skin, red-light brown hair and eyes are typically shades of amber. Ash Giants tend to have the larger enlargen transformation,They also have an additional primary affinity for molten magic. Some Ash giants also have a secondary affintiy for fire, burst, and decay magic. Ash giants also have the gift of flame skin and thus have a resistance to heat and fire. Ash giants are more common in the hotter northern regions of westril, Summedia and Muora
Frost Giants
Frost giants were originally created using the blood of flowing titans. Appearance wise, Frost giants have light skin, silver- white hair and eyes are typically shades of blue. They are the Hairiest of the giant variantsThey also have an additional primary affinity for Ice magic. Some frost giants also have a secondary affintiy for water snd mist magic. Frost giants also have the gift of coldskin and thus have a resistance to cold. Ash giants are more common in the cold southern regions of Wintercov Brislpine and Shorwin
Stone Giants
Stone giants were originally created using the blood of Builder Titans. Appearance wise, Frost giants have gray skin, dark brown- black hair and eyes are typically shades of green or brown. Baldness is also more common among sone giant than the other variants. They also have an additional primary affinity for earth magic. Some Stone giants also have a secondary affintiy for metal, crystal and dust magic. Stone giants also have the gift of stoneskin and thus have an immunity to petrification. stone giants are more common in the mountainous and central regions of blacklin, Autumia, and whiteland

Genetics and Reproduction

Giants reach sexual maturity between the age of 10 -24. Males tend to start to mature earlier. Pregnancy for giants are long and usually lasts about 2 years. During this time the expecting mothers are discouraged from fulling enlarging as this disrupts the development of the child.the child may grow with the mother, but be unable to reduce back down, Or the child can become stuck at a small size as the mother enlarges, crushing the child. Even though the unborn does survive an enlarging transformation there are typically difficulties during childbirth.

Growth Rate & Stages

  • Child (Age 0-10): childhood years are focus as rapid physical growth. at this age their Variant gifts are limited to proving resistence
  • Teen (Age 14-24) : Adolescence starts as their physical growth slows Their bodies also begin develop to sexual maturity. they also start to be able to control their varint gift. Males also start to grown body and facial hair at this age
  • Adult (Age 24 - 100):Once gaints reach sexual maturity they usually have control over their variant gift.
  • Elder (Age ~100+): Giants finally stop growing and it bemoes more difficult to switch between regular and enlarged forms. Many elder maintain a size inbetween their enlarged and regular size. THeir magic control is best at this age.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Luposari eat a normal human diet. However due to their large size they typically eat more amd have larger porportion sizes,

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

  • Bigbone: Many gaint see their bones as the phyiscal connection to body magic, Like how an angels wings are a physical connection to sky magic. Thus Giants bones are enriched with body magic. They can be used in magic manipulations involving growth or strenghtening.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Initial populations of giants were focused on the locations near to where the associated titans was slain. Ash giants were originally in the volcanic areas for the westlands, but larger population have migrated into western regions of the murder mountains. Ash giants was particularly common in crimsfort as their ancestor had a handed in building the fort. Frost giants started in the icelands of Winters cove but larger populations have migrated north into the wildlands and shorelands. The stone giants originated in the Blacklin but larger population have migrated into Autumia and Whiteland.   The City of Littlebane was actually founded by giants and hosts the largest concentrated population of giants from all the variants. THere are also large giant populations in the cities of Stagfrost Coldston, Crimsfort, and Ironstone

Average Intelligence

Giants are known as famed builders and architects as they have fashion great structures that could accommodate their full size. Their secondary affinity for enchantment magic greatly assists in creating spectacular structures. Giants also use common runes as they do not have a unique writing system.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Giants are naturally strong with magic due to their titan origins. Giants are masters of body magic as it is their only common primary magic affinity. Giants also have a secondary magic affinity for enchantment magic and depending on their variant giants can also have a secondary magic affinity for molten, ice and earth magic. All giants have the Gifts of transformation. Their transformation is an enlarged size which they can trigger at will. Individuals have unique maximize size they can naturally grow to. However this can be increased with further magic manipulations. With enough control giants can also partially enlarge certain areas of the body. On top of this transformation giants also have the gift of either flame skin, coldskin, or stone skin depending on the variant. The gift of stronghand, braveheart and armor skin are also common among giants   Even the giants without the gift of stronghand and armorskin are significantly stronger and durable than most races. Their bones are even densed than average human to deal with their size. Combined with their natural affinity for body magic, giants are one of the most physically formindiable aces. Typical giant combat styles are slow and patient. Yet the moves they make are powerful. They are particularly skilled wrestlers. Weapon wise they are known to use hammers, clubs, axes and gauntlets. All weapons which require the giant's strength to be effective.Giants can also easily learn to activate numbfeel. A technique that is useful in their enlarged form which is also a larger target for attacks. However this talent for numbfeel also stems from their naturally dulled senses. On average giants have poor sense of touch and poor hearing and limited sense of smell and taste. Their eyesight seems to be their only normal sense.   However, dulled senses are not a giant's only weakness. They have two direct weaknesses that stem from their origins. The first is the metal titanium. It was the metal used when crafting the weapons used to slay the titans. To giants titanium is painful to touch. The pain can be described as an unpleasant numbing vibration. Also when in contact with titanium Giants lose their ability to transform into their larger size and to cannot control their magic. Another bane to giants is a plant known as the Shrinking Violets. This plant was created specifically by the last living titan as a curse to weaken those that sought power from the demise of their fallen fellow titans. When touched, shrinking violets induce intense muscle contractions that cause a giant to become painfully paralyzed. On top of that Shrinking violets can reverse the giant's enlarging transformation ability. Prolonged exposure actually causes a giant to shrink. When ingested by giants it acts as a deadly poison as it causes a giant's internal organs to shrink at various rates. Giants are also weak swimmers due to their increased mass and density of their bones

Civilization and Culture

Average Technological Level

  • Shrinklet: Worn itensm such as acessories and jewelry that are enchanted to reduce a giants size so they can function easily among smaller races
  • Growing cloth: Enchanted texile that is a compressed version of a larger cloth variant. THus giants can hacve clothes that expand when giants increase their size.
  • Giant Bonding Bloodrunes:The runes can be used to link with a living giants. runes are drawn desired bond then activated with blood for bonding giant,This allows non giants beings to grow in size. However the giants is effectively "sharing" their expansion ability. Thus the bonded giants max size is proportional to the growth being used by the bonded being. Bonding bloodrunes are saved for trusted firends, mates, steeds and pets. And can be easily removed.
  • Common Dress Code

    Most giants wear garments made of growing cloth. However due to giants resistance to certain temperatures (depending on variant), and cost of Growing Cloth, Giant attire is minimal and shows a lot of skin. This also focuses the marking on giants skin that they use to mark their individuality.


    Giants Emerged as a product of the Titancaso . At the suggestion of a recently cursed Cyclidipes mages were using the blood of slain titans to perform a ritual to acquire some of their power. Ash giants used the blood of Destroyer Titan. Stone Giants used the blood of a slain builder Titans at Shikodon Mountain. the frost giants used a combination of floating and flowing titans in the icelands. THe ritual involved using the blood to write runes on their body and then ingesting the blood. The ritual modified their body to a larger size and gave them greater strength. However it did come with a weakness to titanium, the material used to create the titan slayer instruments.

    Historical Figures

    Famous Bloodlines

    • Ausra - Descendants of Asura a Blood demigod Ash giant. Famed for having a 4 armed transformation and as skilled blood magic users.While infamous for their temper, they are are feared warriors
    • Reese - Descendants of Reese, a body demigod mage. Members of this can are large even for giants and great natural strength. They Are skilled fighters
    • Uther - Descendants of Jack Uther. THe Warrior wielder of the titan slayer great sword and was the first Stone giant to convert. They are highly revered among stone giant communities. THey also still own the titan slayer greatsword used by Jack Uther
    • Vuls - Descendants of Valaria Vuls. THe Archer and titan slayer Bow and was the first Ash giant to convert. They are highly revered among Ash giant communities. THey also still own the titan slayer Bow
    • Johten - Descendants of Jurgen Jothen a the titan killer and master of the titan slayer hammer, He was the first Frost giant to convert. They are highly revered among all giant communities. They also still own the titan slayer Hammer
    • Bellows - Descendants of Abinon, a Ash giant sound demigod. He was a famous singer with a booming voice. They are powerful sound magic users.
    • Bolister - Descendants of Robert The Builder, a famed stone giant architect who sired 2 children by 2 different gods. This family has continued the traditions as great architects and are strong barrier, seal and puppet magic users

    Famous Individuals

    • Jack Uther - A great warrior that was part of the hunters of the builder titans at Shikodon Mountains, He was an earth mage and master of the titan slayer greatsword. He ,manage to slay 4 of the builder Titans and combined their blood when performing his blood rune ritual. He was also given the honor of being the first stone Giant
    • Valaria Vuls -A Molten mage and master of the titan slayer bow which she combined with her molten magic to slay the last of the destroyer titans at bloodpeake. Its said she accepted here blood ruins while bathing in the lava of Blood peak itself. She would become the first Ash Titan.
    • Jurgen Jothen - A ice mage ans master of the titan slayer Hammer. He was a leader in the hunting of the TItans of the icelands. He earned the title of Titan Killer as he had the giant kill count for titans. He was the one that suggested they combined the blood of slain floating and flowing titans. Rumored to perform his blood rune ritual in the chest of the last dying floating titan. He would be the first of the frost giants.
    • Robert the Builder - A genius Stone Giant Architect. While famous for many structures, his masterpieces was the Divine Vault. He was also one of the founding fathers of the Builders Guild. Sired 2 demigod children with Barrier god and seal goddess

    Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

    Mixed Bloods
    Mixed bloods will be a large version of their mixed heritage. However they are usually small when compared to giants. They also have a smaller transformation than fulled blooded giants. Depending on the variants they will still have resistances to either cold, heat, or petrification. A result of having a weaker form of the gift: coldskins, flameskin, or stoneskin. Mixed bloods also cant activate control these gifts to a higher degree without additional magic manipulation A result of having a weaker form of the gift coldskins, flameskin, or stoneskin.  
    As the titans are extinct the original conversation is not possible. However knowledge of the blood ruins used were kept. The runes can be used to link with living giants. This allows non giants to grow in size. However the giants are effectively "sharing" their expansion ability. Thus the bonded giants max size is proportional to the growth being used by the bonded being. Thus the bonding blood runes are saved for trusted friends, mates, steeds and pets.  
    • many giants have a rivalry with cyclops one of the few races capable to physically keeping up giants and are also great forgers. However the rivalries are mostly friendly, an extension of their ancient partnership of their ancestors

    Racial Overview

    Tranformation,Coldskin, Stoneskin, or flame skin (depends on variant)
    Common Potential Gifts
    Stronghand, Braveheart, Armorskin,
    Potential Primary Magics
    Potiential Secondary Magics
    Molten, Ice, Stone, Enchantment
     Cold Heat, Petricfication (depends on variant)
     Titanium, Shrinking Violets
    Genetic Ancestor(s)
    120--150 years
    Average Height
    8-12 ft in their normal state ,10-15 in their enlargened state
    Average Weight
    500-600 lb
    Average Physique
    On averagw Giants have a stocky build to deal with their large size. It largerly contribute to their natural strenght and lack of flexibilty.
    Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
    Tints and colors greatly vary among the variants. Ash giants have dark skin and reddish hairs. They are known to dye their skin with organe and white tattoos or war paint. Frost giants have shades of light gray and are the hairiest variants. Thus they tend not to get tattoos as they view their hairs as a sense of personal identity. Stone giants have a shades of gray skin. However their unique colors and patterns of stone skin are used for their sense of identity
    High Populous Cities
    Littlebane, Stagfrost Coldston, Crimsfort, Ironstone

    Cover image: by Israel Rodriguez


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