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Soul Centers

Soul Centers are Anchor points for the soul to a living beings’ physical body. There are 4 centers that focus on a different aspect of an organism’s beings. The Mind soul center focuses the intellect and memory. The Heart soul center focuses the emotional and instinctual aspects of a being. The Energy Soul center focus the physical capabilities and form of a begin. Lastly the magical soul center focuses the the magical connection and control of a begin.   Beyond being point of strength and weakness there is the study of Almamancy. This is the complex study of detecting and interpreting the location and strength a beings Soul centers. Practitioners, known as Almaticians, can read and find soul centers and use them to learn about a beings personality, hopes, fears, strengths weakness, desires, history and necessities in life. Experienced Almaticians further use this information and serve as counselors to a one destiny or needs.


As the anchor points for the soul to body, soul centers serve as both and strong to any organism. They can serve as a focal point when an organism needs to depend on that particular aspect of their being. There is also the practice of " opening the soul center". When an organism actively concentrates on a soul center they can temporarily increase there capabilities based on the center they choose. For an example, concentrating on the mind soul center can improve their memory or mental processing.   However, if soul centers are damaged, they become great weak points. Hitting these points directly can cause an organism to temporarily lose control of the particular aspects. Hitting the mind soul center can create vertigo, confusion, amnesia, or black outs. Hitting the heart soul center can cause a heighten flight or fight response, paranoia, fear, or apathy. Hitting the energy soul center can cause great pain, seizures, knockout or numbness. Hitting the magic soul center can cause the loss of magic control or inability to manipulate magic Even more dangerous is if a soul center is broken using magic manipulations or magic items such as Reaper Steel. Breaking the Mind soul center will leave the target in a catatonic state. Destroying the Heart soul center will leave the target unable to experience emotion. Destroying the energy soul center will leave the target physically weak and fragile. Destroying the Magic soul center will leave the target unable to perform magic manipulations. Lastly is all 4 soul centers are destroyed the victim soul will pass on to the after world effectively killing them. Only Life magic manipulations or magic items such as Soulstone can repair a broken soul center


Soul centers are very small points on a living being. Their exact location varies depending on the species and even vary slightly between individuals. Plus, a soul center location can change as an organism grows or develops. Thus, it is difficult to pinpoint the exact location. They can be found using magic manipulations or magic items, such as a Soulstone. Life magic and even be used to further manipulate and easily locate these points.   Still each soul center tend to similar relative areas. The Mind Soul Center tend to be near the organism’s major thinking center. On animals is this typically somewhere on their head or face. Plants tend to have them at the junctions of either the root, stems or branches. The heart soul center is typically located in a vital area or their circulation system. On animals this is usually somewhere on the heart or chest. On plants is usual on trunk or stem. The Energy soul center either can be located in digestive or sexual regions or an organism. For Animals this is somewhere on torso or the genitals. On plants this tends to be around branches or on flowers. Magic Soul centers are located in areas in importance to communications. On human this tend to be somewhere on the throat or hands. On plants this tends to be among the roots

Cover image: by Israel Rodriguez


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