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Also known as "blazing rhinos", these massive east are known to roam the sunny northern regions of Morteron. They resemble a cross of a large rhino with some special markings and amber like horns. Lengend states they were created by the wild god, Cisaphis, as a gift to the solar god, Ralios. One of Cisaphis son apparently killed one of the Sunaleoof the Ralios personal pride. Sunbeast were created in a tribute to to this fallen Sunaleo. a beast worthy of begin hunted by the Sunaleo pride   Thus on top of begin physically powerful speciems they are also powerful sun magic users. Their markings and horns continually store solar magic. when active these markings will glow and the sunbeast can use the sotred magic to either enhance heir physical abilties or to perform solar magic manipulations.

Basic Information


Sunbeast remsemble are rhinos in form, However they have slightly longer thick legs and are a little learner. They also have a slight hunched shoulders. Their horns in made of a material called as Solivori which appear like like a duller transulent amber. They have a large Solivori horn on their nose and Solivori plate on their forhead. They also have ridges on Solivori along their spine to the ip of thie thick short flesly tails. Their skin is thick and rough to the touch. Each Sunbeast has unique marking thy usuall are a combinations of circle or semi circle surrounded by trigles with oacsional thick banks arounf the tail legs, neck or belly. At the bottom of theirfeet that have two harnerd toes on the front with 1 smaller hardered toe on the back.

Biological Traits

Males are typically larger than females. THey are seem to grow larger horns and thicker head plates. They are have more hunched and bulker shoulders.

Genetics and Reproduction

They reach maturity around 8-10 years of age. Around this age males will leave the mother and possibly join and small bachelor herd. Females tend to satay with the mother in faimilar herds. Sunbeast are do not have in heat seasons. They can get pregant any time of year as they have a regular menstuation cycle. However the rarity for the cycle align with menaing with a male partner is why sunbeast births are not so frecuent. Gestation Periods are about 15 months, and during this time the mother wil solar less solar magic as part of the reseves will go to the goren offspring.

Growth Rate & Stages

Lunalupos have 3 life stages, Youngling, Adult and Elder
  • Youngling

    this is the first 8-10 years for a sunbeat life. During this time the stay with their mothers herd and learn how to survive. When born their solivori are only small patches. As they grown these patches will grown into the horns.
  • Adult

    This stage begins once a lunalupo reaches maturity. Males will leave their mothers herd and spend some time on their own. Younger males typically will band tgether to form small bachelor herds that seek out females to mate which and move on. Females tend to stay with their mothers herd and assit and raising other offspring till they are ready to have children of their own.
  • Elder

    As thei approach the age of 60 Sun beast horns stop growing and the will physicall slow down. . By this age most Male stop actively seeking mates and focus more on just survival they also become less aggressive. Females stop bearing offspring by age 50 and instead focuse on guiding the heard and assisting in rasing the young. Elder females become more agressive as they typical take the defender role in the herd.

Ecology and Habitats

Sunbeast live in the warmer sunny regions of morteron, with plently of vegation for them to eat.

Dietary Needs and Habits

SUnbeast are herbivores that feed mostly on grasses and bushes.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Sunbeast live in gendered herds. Females herds mainly consist of family members that help to raise the young. Older females will stop have children and will focus on guideding and prtecting the herd. THus elder females sunbeast are more aggressive. if a herd beomes to large a herd may spilt based on family direct bloodlines. As for males they leave the herd once they reach sexually maturity. Many young males will form small bachelor herds that seek out mates. When they find makes males will display mock fights to impress and select females to mate with in a herd. In old age males sunbeast calm down as their focus shifts tp survival over mating.


Due to their low intelligence, stubborn nature and aggressive eactions Sunbeast have not been actively domesticated. Though as few that are atempting on raise them in captivity to collect their solivori, hides and meat.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

  • Solivori the sunstance their horn, ridges and head plates for sunbeast are made of. Hunter seek out this materials for this appearance and is remarkable abilty to gather and store solar magic. Additional manipulations are needs to realisea the magic
  • Sunbest Leather Leather made from Sunbeast hide. It is durable enought to be used to form minor by flexable armor. The hide as workes well to protect the wearer from sun and solar magic. if the sun markings are left in tact the leather conduct magic very well

Average Intelligence

While powerful Sunbeast are not the most interligent creature. However they do have a decent memory

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Due to there size SSunbeast are massively strong creatures that can easily move loads equal to their onwn weight. They also have rough thick skin that protect them form most minor atttacks. In terms of sensory abilties sunbeast have poor eye sight, hearing and their thick skin dulls their sense of feeling. their large size also makes t difficult for them to hear high frecuency noises. This makes it easier to sneak up on them, but it also means they are eaily startled and can be agressive with their response.   As their name implies Sunbeast are powerful sun magic users. They can fire destructive blast of solar energy from their mouth and form minor barrier. On top of that the Solivori horns constantly absorb solar magic during the day and store it in their marking on their skin. then in times on need sunbeast can activate these marking to realease the solar magic to be used to either power up their magic manipulation or to perform manipulation at unfavorable times for solar magic (like night) They can also use this stored magic to enhance their physical strenght and endurance to fight or to run away.

Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms

Sunbeast natural enimies are Sunaleo as they are one of the few creature han can actively hunt sunbeast. The also clash with dragons for the same reason. They also hate Roc. While rocs cant lift adult sunbeast the can carry young or they will knock sunbeasts off cliffs and let gravity do the damage.

Species Overview

Common Names

Blazing rhino





Natural Regions Found

Summedia, Westril, Muora 

60-80 years
Conservation Status
Rare, as they are slow to reproduce and hunted by humans for their horns hides and meat.
Average Height
6-7 feet at the shoulder
Average Weight
3,000lb -6,000 lb
Average Length
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Most of the Sunbeast skin ranges to shades of gray. THeir solar markes also range in color form red to orange. the marking take form as circles ans semi cirles surrounded by triangles. some snbeast have thick bands arounf their tail neck, legs snort or torso.
Geographic Distribution




Harvested Products

Solivori, Sunbest Leather

Cover image: by Israel Rodriguez


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