5/29 - Against the Petal Court Report in Mostly Faerun | World Anvil

5/29 - Against the Petal Court

General Summary

The party interrogates their captive Eladrin.
The Eladrin, Dusksprout, was faithful to Lady Chamylla's cause and beliefs.
He told the party that Lady Chamylla was already aware of their presence in her domain (likely due to Darnath's magical affliction), and that he and his squad were tasked with bringing the party in alive.
He informed the party that if Lady Chamylla is killed or otherwise stopped, both the Petal Court and Timber Throne are done for.
The party offered the Eladrin a choice between execution, leading them to Lady Chamylla, or returning to Lady Timber to ask forgiveness. The Eladrin chose death, rather than bearing witness to the downfall of the Timber Throne on the horizon.
  The party contacted Lady Timber.
They updated her on their progress and the information provided by the Eladrin.
They requested any possible assistance that the Lady could provide.
Lady Timber agreed to send some amount of troops to the outskirts of the Petal Court's area, enough provocation to function as a distraction but not enough to upset the delicate balance of keeping up cordial Fey appearances.
  The party continued on to Lady Chamylla's location.
Sylvie and Gramlek, under cover of invisibility, entered the area in order to gain an advantage.
Duo, Darnath, and Thovak followed behind, entering the area through the only easily traversable path.
One of Lady Chamylla's guards, an Eladrin, noticed Duo and alerted the assembled forces.
  Combat initiated with the party gaining the benefits of surprise on the assembled Fey.
Sylvie and Gramlek initiated a gambit involving the use of polymorph in order to become massive beasts.
As Sylvie and Gramlek began combat Darnath also rushed forward into the melee, with Duo and Thovak providing ranged support.
Lady Chamylla proved to be a potent spellcaster, quickly reverting Gramlek's polymorphed form and laying siege to the party with high level spells.
As combat ensued, further guardians of Lady Chamylla emerged from cover, several Awakened Trees and Pixies both offering their unique skills to the melee.
With the Pixies providing magical debuffs and the Eladrin and Awaked Trees engaging in physical combat, Lady Chamylla summoned up a large whirlwind in the center of the battlefield which pulled Gramlek off of his feet and into the air while damaging many of the party-members.
After several rounds of combat, Darnath was knocked unconscious and Gramlek was in danger of the same.

Character(s) interacted with

Mostly Faerun
Report Date
29 May 2023
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