Lady Timber Character in Mostly Faerun | World Anvil

Lady Timber

High Lady of the Timber Throne and powerful Fey.
  Recuited the party to assassinate her daughter, Lady Chamylla of The Petal Court, in exchange for removing the curse put on Darnath.
  Driven from the seat of the Timber Throne during an invasion by creatures from the Far Realm which drove The Feywild to chaos. Taken in by Lady Hemlock and the Swamp Throne as a temporary refuge while the armies of the Timber Throne attempted to push back against the aberrant monsters pouring in from the Far Realm. Beseeched the aid of both the party and traveling Eladrin Luirlan in hopes of closing the portals to the Far Realm and reclaiming the territories of the Timber Throne.

Physical Description

Special abilities

As Lady of The Timber Throne, Lady Timber has nearly unchecked power within her domain of The Feywild. Both creatures and nature itself are bound to her noble will.

Apparel & Accessories

Lady Timber is always seen wearing immaculate clothing woven from natural fibers, and is almost always wreathed in accessories made from magically imbued leaves, twigs, and other tree matter. Most striking is her crown of leaves, pinecones, twigs, and berries, all of which remain in place with no obvious mundane bindings.
Dark Brown with Green Specks
Dark Brown to Black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization