6/5 - The Fall of Lady Petal Report in Mostly Faerun | World Anvil

6/5 - The Fall of Lady Petal

General Summary

The party continued their assault of Lady Petal and her entourage.
Lady Petal's whirlwind continued to thrash Gramlek around in the air.
Thovak came under assault from one of the Eladrin warriors.
Duo activated his flame heels and began going to work on the Awakened Trees.
  The pitched combat went back and forth for what felt like ages.
Party members slipped into and out of unconsciousness under the assault of the Fey Lady.
After grueling combat, the party managed to eliminate all of Lady Petal's guard.
Face to face with Lady Petal, the party's mettle was tested against the force of the Lady's will.
  After heated combat the party managed to fell Lady Petal.
As Lady Petal teleported to be face-to-face with Sylvie, fate bent the Fey Lady's blade aside.
Emerging from Sylvie's magical darkness, the Fey Lady was now in the sights of Darnath.
After having felt the call of death twice under Lady Petal's assault, Darnath loosed a pair of arrows at the Fey.
The first arrow flew wide, but the second landed firmly in Lady Petal's abdomen.
With one final grunt, and a dearth of fanfare, the former Lady Petal collapsed to a heap on the ground.
  The party, battered, bruised, and exhausted, collected themselves as they stood over the corpse of Chamylla, former Lady of the Petal Court.

Rewards Granted

  • 5500 EXP/PC

Missions/Quests Completed

  • The destruction of the Petal Court
Report Date
05 Jun 2023
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