Cobalt Syndicate Organization in Mostly Faerun | World Anvil

Cobalt Syndicate

The Cobalt Syndicate is Ebonait's premier guild of soldiers, mercenaries, and bodyguards. Their members can be found far and wide within Ebonait, from working routine guard duty outside of a local shop to acting as guards for the members of the High Council to clearing the nearby jungle of encroaching beasts. Indentures of the Cobalt Syndicate are trained in all forms of combat both melee and ranged, as well as in wilderness survival, scouting, tracking, and herbology.


The syndicate is structured much like a military, with an executive commander orchestrating lower branches specializing in certain types of warfare. The executive commander is responsible for organization and collaboration between the individual branches, as well as appointing the syndicate's representative on the High Council.


The syndicate was formed out of the remnants of the Ebonaiti military after the dissolution of the monarchy. Ebonait's commanding general at the time held together the majority of the military structure through sheer force of will, and the syndicate formed in the ensuing years as the organization found its footing in the new governmental landscape.
Guild, Fighter / Mercenary
Notable Members