Ebonait Settlement in Mostly Faerun | World Anvil



The population of Ebonait is primarily made up of dark- and olive-skinned humans native to the inland sea on which the kingdom rests in addition to more obscure races such as the dragonkin and lizardkin from the mountains to the North and the pygmies from the jungles to the Southwest.


The Kingdom of Ebonait is governed by an oligarchical council of elders, politicians, and masters of their craft known as the Ebonait High Council. Members of this council are elected by their respective bodies, and the size of the council changes overtime as the population and needs of the kingdom fluctuate.



The bustling center of Ebonait where the river meets the sea. Through this narrow river flows a vast wealth of ore, gemstones, and other bounties harvested from the jungles and mountains to the South as well as the riches of the sea and mountain range across it to the North.  

Lower Burgund

The Lower Burgund district is the oldest housing district within Ebonait and features myriad homes ranging from single-family dwellings, to rowhouses, to large shared dwellings.  

The Green

While not entirely green, The Green serves as a large gathering area outside of Castle Ebonait's walls. It is common for The Green to be filled with festivities on holidays, with protestors during times of strife, and with families during times of peace and good weather.  

Castle Ebonait

The seat of power for the Ebonait High Council. This squat castle rests safely inside of an oversized wall capable of holding a large percentage of the city's inhabitants in case of emergency.  


The Claypull district is a center of industry and expansion within Ebonait. This district houses Ebonait's masterful stonemasons, builders, jewelers, and other masters of construction and shaping earth.  


This district of Ebonait is home to one of the port's two massive pier systems and is a bustling trade hub for all manor of high society wares. Everything from the piers to the streets of Pearldocks are kept clean and tidy, and the shops make use of and sell all manner of bounties from both the sea and the mountains.  


This district of Ebonait is home to one of the port's two massive pier systems and is a bustling trade hub of all manor of less savory wares. The stench of fish, meat, and sea creatures pervades the Bonedocks. This area is home to a large percentage of the city's working class.  

Market Corner

The Market Corner district of Ebonait is where one goes to procure indentured workers or enter into a contract themselves. It is common for young workers in Ebonait to enter themselves into an indenture as teens and young adults as a way to learn a trade, see new places, and pay back their family for raising them.  

Upper Burgund

The Upper Burgund district is the newer housing district within the kingdom of Ebonait. This district is primarily comprised of single-family dwellings with a few apartments and lodges interspersed. Upper Burgund spreads far to the North of the city center, following the river.

Points of interest

Qadisi Portal

Located at the edge of the Bonedocks and Lower Burgund, this extradimensional portal connects to the kingdom of Qadis in the deserts to the far West. This portal makes possible the instantaneous transfer of goods between the two kingdoms and removes the need for approximately 800 miles of overland travel through dangerous, unfriendly terrain. The portal is not entirely safe, so its access is tightly controlled and monitored, and those wishing to pass through it must be of sound constitution.
The Merchants Guild was responsible for establishing the portal and continues to maintain it, with additional security provided by the Cobalt Syndicate.  

Cobalt Syndicate Headquarters

Headquarters for the prolific mercenary corps the Cobalt Syndicate. An unassuming building in the center of Market Corner where bookkeeping is done and new recruits retrieve their first on-site training.  

Scribe's Guild Headquarters

Headquarters for the Order of the Knowing Quill, the kingdom's ancient order of scribes, accountants, and mathematicians. The guild's headquarters is a massive, stone tower filled with libraries, offices, and lecture halls. Many floors of the tower are open to the public and serves as Ebonait's public library, while higher floors are restricted to members of the Scribe's Guild or those with prior approval and a chaperone.  

Builders Guild Headquarters

Headquarters for the Builders Guild. Comprised of a number of squat buildings within a large, walled courtyard, the headquarters serves as a hub for bookkeeping, architecture planning, and materials storage.  

Merchants Guild Headquarters

Headquarters for the prolific merchant and trade guild. Comprised of several squat buildings surrounding a central courtyard, the guild's headquarters serves as the hub for financial transactions, bookkeeping, and arranging trade routes.  

Seaspray Guild Headquarters

Headquarters for the Seaspray Guild, a loose organization of sailors, pirates, and shipwrights. Built into a massive, decommissioned frigate at the end of one of the Peardock's piers, the headquarters serves as a hub for recruitment and for transactions between member agencies of the guild.  

High Council Chambers

Located within Ebonait Castle, the chambers of the Ebonait High Council contain several meeting rooms, offices, and a large gathering hall for public gatherings and official High Council business. Each sitting member of the High Council has their own office and space for their scribes, assistants, and document storage.

Ebonait Foreign Relations Department

Located within Ebonait Castle, the Ebonait Foreign Relations Department operates under orders of the High Council and oversees relations between the kingdom of Ebonait and foreign nations. The department is comprised of a number of offices, meeting rooms, and storage facilities operated by scribes.  

Pygmy Relations Department

Located within Ebonait Castle, the Pygmy Relations Department operates under orders of the High Council and oversees relations between the kingdom of Ebonait and the independent Pygmy peoples in the jungles to the South. The department is comprised of a number of offices, meeting rooms, and storage facilities operated by scribes.
For the purposes of political affiliation and international affairs, the assembled Pygmy peoples are treated as citizens of the kingdom of Ebonait, but in nearly all capacities they operate fully independently from the kingdom.


The climate of Ebonait is characterized by warm, dry summers as the summer winds carry the sea spray away from the city and mild, wet winters as the city becomes engulfed in a months-long drizzle.
Alternative Name(s)
Ebonait Kingdom, Kingdom of Ebonait
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Owning Organization