Elric Character in Mostly Faerun | World Anvil


  • Met the party during an accidental run-in which resulted in combat between the two groups.
  • Used necromancy magic and undead during the encounter.
  • Defeated by the party but managed to flee, Lost his pack in the process, which contained the map to the cursed tomb of The Mockery.
  • Traveled through Qadis to resupply and get directions.
  • Traveled around the Silent Sea in hopes of locating the tomb from memory.
  • Captured by bandits in the Eastern section of the Silent Sea.
  • Turned over to Qadis for a bounty of 100gp paid by the party.
  • Interrogated by the party over the origin of the bell and map looted by the party.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born to a gravedigger and his wife, Elric always had an unsettling relationship with death. From a young age he helped his father and mother dispose of the myriad corpses presented to them by the Brenican Kingdom, and in his early teens Elric became the go to diener in the area.
  This relationship with death led Elric down the path of necromancy, though he was of limited skill in the arcane arts he took to necromancy like no other type of magic. Working throughout the day as a diener and throughout the night practicing necromancy, Elric eventually became enthralled with the study and proficient as well.
  One day, a group of Adventurers from the Sword Coast visited Elric's village. They spoke of a map and enchanted bell, objects which might hold the key to some dark power that must be protected at all costs. Among this group was a Lizardfolk druid, the appearance of which brought the knights of Brenica to investigate and the adventurers were summarily executed.
  Elric took this opportunity to offer his services to the Brenican knights in order to dispose of the corpses of these foreign interlopers, and in doing so came into the possession of both the map and enchanted bell. Soon after, Elric set off in search of this long-forgotten tomb in order to learn more about this dark power the late Adventurers were so sure existed.

Necromancer in search of arcane power and a lost tomb.

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Current Status
Current Location
Black, thin
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
130 lbs
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