Qadis Settlement in Mostly Faerun | World Anvil

Qadis (kah-dees)

Qadis is a moderately sized trade city near the center of the Cursed Expanse, a desert in north-central Faerun. Abutting the Silent Sea, this hub of desert trade oversees all water transport of goods across the body of water. This city is run by Lamia, monstrous humanoids with the lower bodies of animals that feed on the flesh and blood of other sentient creatures.  

Notable Citizens

  • Erasous (Dead) Former ruler of Qadis. Killed during the Liberation of Qadis.
  • Tazrah Current ruler of Qadis. Installed after the Liberation of Qadis
  • Kirc Kobold guild master of the Qadisi craftspeople. Pro-union, genuinely cares about the craftspeople and merchants of the trade streets.
  • Bassu Yuan-ti harbormaster of the Qadisi harbor. Gruff and disagreeable, but wants what's best for Qadis and its citizens. 
  • Yamerual Tieflilng refugee from the Underdark village of Bigtarhir. Relocated to the surface along with his myriad townsfolk after their village was sundered.
  • Clodio Human merchant from the Ebonait Kingdom in the Far East. Came to Qadis to establish more standardized trade between the desert city and his kingdom.
  • Tak't'chk Thri-kreen huntmaster of the Qadisi rangers.


Qadis is surrounded by a high wall on three sides, protecting the city proper, palace, and port from the dangers of the desert. The Eastern edge of the city abuts the Silent Sea, and is protected by a natural cliff face.

Industry & Trade

Qadis holds a large, defensible port on the Silent Sea which serves as the city's main source of income. The blasting desert heat and abundance of dangerous denizens means that travelers and merchants who have to cross the Cursed Expanse will gladly pay for the privilege of using the city's port.


Qadis is nestled between the shifting sands of the Cursed Expanse, ragged crags, and the Silent Sea. A large, sturdy wall protects the town from land-based assault by any desert denizens, as well as the ever-encroaching dunes. Several watchtowers, lighthouses, and other monuments dot the coast in and around Qadis to better oversee the oversea travel of goods from the harbor. An additional inner wall contains the city's barracks and guild hall, where the soldiers, guards, and adventurers that protect and police the city reside. Atop a craggy cliff overlooking both the city and the Silent Sea sits the well-protected residence of the city's ruler.


Qadis was embroiled in a short coup during the reign of Erasous, in which Tazrah organized a rebellion to unseat her sister. (Further details: Liberation of Qadis)

Points of interest

Barracks Nested in an additional high wall, this building serves as lodging and a muster point for the city's soldiers, guards, and adventurers. From the wall surrounding the barracks, town guards can keep an eye on all the goings on in Qadis.   Palace Sitting atop a craggy cliff overlooking both the city and the Silent Sea is the palace of the city's ruling matriarch, Erasous . The large building made of polished stone serves as both a residence and meeting place of the Lamia which rule the city.   Port The port of Qadis is a primary feature of the city's coastline. Ferrying both people and goods across the Silent Sea has led to Qadis being a significant trade hub within the Cursed Expanse.
Large city
Inhabitant Demonym
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