Far Realm Geographic Location in Mostly Faerun | World Anvil

Far Realm

A plane of pure chaos and madness, the Far Realm exists at the edges of and the spaces between the other planes. Creatures that step foot into the Far Realm are almost always either immediately torn asunder by its unwelcoming geography or driven completely mad by its unknowable logic.


The Far Realm has no knowable geograph. The plane is made up of infinite layers that can range from inches to miles in thickness, each with their own physics and logic. Attempting to understand the geography of the Far Realm is likely to drive any mortal mad.

Fauna & Flora

The few creatures native to the Far Realm are so aberrant that the mere sight could drive a mortal to madness even before they're rent asunder. Creatures of the Far Realm rarely want for anything other than pure chaos and the painful death of all other living things.
  Even fewer plants are native to the Far Realm, but those that are appear entirely alien and maintain no logical morphology. In many locations where the veil is thin between the Far Realm and adjacent planes, native flora of the adjacent planes often bleed through into the Far Realm.
Alternative Name(s)
Void Space, Chaos Space
Plane of Existence
Related Reports (Primary)