5/13 - Void Space Rumble Report in Mostly Faerun | World Anvil

5/13 - Void Space Rumble

General Summary

The party packed up their belongings in Boulderdust after their meeting with High Priestess Secta and prepared to head back towards the Party Guildhall in Groundbreak via their newly-established link in the Skagi-Portal Network.
  Darnath, the first to step through the portal, could immediately feel that something was wrong. Instead of the near-instantaneous travel between Boulderdust and Groundbreak that he expected, the teleportation felt wrong. He felt himself adrift in nothingness for an indiscernable amount of time, surrounded by unknowable shapes, colors, and sounds.
  As the party stepped out of the portal into what should have been Groundbreak they found themselves instead on a path of floating, shifting boulders surrounded by alien beings and a void of pure chaos. The Skagi-Portal Network had been disrupted by some force, and they had landed in a space in the Far Realm.
  Massive beings comprised entirely of swirling, endless tentacles floated in the distance, aware of the party's presence but seemingly uninterested. Large, humanoid aberrations with beaked mouths and arms formed from recursive sets of finger-like tentacles spotted the party as soon as they emerged from the portal, and began advancing. Along with the large entities were a number of smaller aberrations resembling sea urchins built of prehensile, noodle-like tentacles.
  The party pressed forward towards an open, warbling portal at the other side of the long path of floating boulders, hoping that even if it didn't take them to Groundbreak it would at least remove them from the Far Realm. They battled through horde of aberrations and eventually made it through the portal on the other end, landing in the Party Guildhall.
  Now back on solid ground and not surrounded by aberrations, the party quickly sent messages out through their network of Sending Stones to avoid using the Skagi-Portal Network until further notice that it was safe. They contacted Lady Timber again to ask about the Far Realm creatures they encountered, and she offered some minor insight based on her troops' interaction with them in The Feywild:
  • Lesser Void Crawlers - Small balls of tentacles. Not entirely dangerous to a seasoned Adventurer in single combat, but they always travel in groups and have a habit of grabbing onto prey and restricting their movement while more and more crawlers descend on them.
  • Lesser Void Walkers - Large humanoids with tentacle hands. Extemely dangerous, as they are capable of restraining multiple creatures at once and tearing them apart with their massive arms, in addition to emitting a baneful aura that saps prey's willingness to fight.
  • Tentacle Lords - Massive balls of swirling tentacles. Malevolent and highly intelligent, capable of consuming whole warriors outright in addition to telepathically inspiring lesser creatures of the Far Realm to fight with more ferocity.
In lighter news, the new recruits hired by the party had officially arrived and moved into the Party Guildhall. Elara Swiftspice, Seraphina Moonshadow, and Thrain Wildtracker introduced themselves to the party and got comfortable. The group shared a meal prepared by the guild's new head chef, Elara Swiftspice, before heading off towards Tradefront and their meeting with Lady Timber's envoy.

Rewards Granted

  • 3,500 EXP / PC
Report Date
13 May 2024
Primary Location
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