House Theyralana Organization in Mostly Faerun | World Anvil

House Theyralana

A noble house of Drow once a part of proper Drow society but now exiled due to their overt worship of Ghaunadaur, The Lord of Slime and an agent of chaos and destruction. In centuries past House Theyralana took part in the politics of the Underdark and contributed to the grand cities of the Drow, but since they were shunned and exiled some 200 years ago little has been heard from the once-noble house. Spotty reports and rumor speak of House Theyralana living at the fringes of the Underdark in Asfasana and performing raids on the surface world in order to procure sacrifices for their cultish rituals.
  House Theyralana's grand plan is to summon an Avatar of Ghaunadaur to instigate an event they call the Great Flood, an event that would see the cult and their god's Avatar march across the surface of Faerun to assimilate all living beings into a wave of ooze using the Lord of Slime's divine power. The true believers of the cult see this Great Flood as a necessary and beneficial event for the world that would eliminate all forms of war, strife, and geopolitical conflict.

Demography and Population

  • Primarily Drow


  • Worship Ghaunadaur through regular kidnapping and sacrifice.

Foreign Relations

  • Exiled from all large Drow cities and civilizations.
  • Destroyed the city of Bigtarhir and sacrificed a number of the inhabitants.
Geopolitical, Tribe
Government System
Controlled Territories
Notable Members