Ghaunadaur Character in Mostly Faerun | World Anvil

Ghaunadaur (gon-ah-dowr)

The Ancient One heeds no Mistress. Ghaunadaur was old even before Ao's time. The god of slime comes and goes as he will. I neither command nor compel him.          - Lolth, Queen of Spiders
  A primordial god of hunger and chaos. Ghaunadaur favors the slimes, oozes, puddings, and jellies that inhabit the dark, wet corridors where the sane dare not travel, and takes pleasure in watching his children hunt and devour their prey. As unpredictable as the oozes he patrons, The Lord of Slime is known to be unknowable, often rewarding false worshippers and punishing devout followers in the name of chaos and suffering.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A purple eye in a circular field of purple, ringed with violet and black circles.


Contacts & Relations

Divine Classification
Greater Deity
Honorary & Occupational Titles
  • The Ancient One
  • That Which Lurks
  • The Lord of Slime