Merchants Guild Organization in Mostly Faerun | World Anvil

Merchants Guild

The Merchants Guild is a union for craftspeople, merchants, and traders which negotiates on behalf of its members and facilitates trade both within Ebonait and abroad. Indentures of the Merchants Guild are trained in bookkeeping, negotiations, appraisals, one or more crafting skills, and the basics of overland and sea travel and wilderness survival.


The Merchants Guild operates mostly as a workers' union for the myriad merchants and craftspeople within Ebonait, taking a cut of profits in exchange for group bargaining and representation on the High Council. As such, organizational structure is loose and the only elected position within the guild is the council representative.


Established early in Ebonait's transition from monarchy to oligarchy, the Merchants Guild has been a staple of the Ebonait landscape for several lifetimes.
Guild, Craftsmen
Notable Members