Moander Character in Mostly Faerun | World Anvil

Moander (moe-AN-der)

The dead god of rot and corruption, Moander has been missing from the Faerunian pantheon for centuries, his power and responsibilities having been subsumed by other dieties. In his prime, Moander was worshipped by those lost and adrift in life for the firm direction he provided.
  Followers of the rotting god were loosely organized into theĀ Church of MoanderĀ which worshipped the god and received his Seed of Moander, a blight which put those affected in direct connection to Moander. One afflicted with the Seed of Moander would see themselves slowly consumed by the dark god's power, their insides rotting away and being replaced with twisted vines and plant matter. The blighted remained in full control of themselves, but Moander could assume direct control of those afflicted with his Seeds at any time.

Divine Domains

  • Corruption
  • Destruction

Divine Symbols & Sigils

An open right hand with a gaping, fanged mouth in its palm.


Contacts & Relations

  • One of the few gods on friendly terms with Ghaunadaur.
  • Enemy of Lolth.
Divine Classification
Dead God
Honorary & Occupational Titles
  • The Rotting God
  • The Foul God
  • The Great Dread God
Circumstances of Death
Killed by Finder Wyvernspur
Place of Death