Seaspray Guild Organization in Mostly Faerun | World Anvil

Seaspray Guild

The Seaspray Guild is a loose organization of member agencies of varying sizes which negotiates on behalf of the sailors and shipwrights of Ebonait. Member agencies range in size from large ship building companies to individual ships' crews. Indentures of the Seaspray Guild are trained in marine navigation, ship operations, construction, and maintenance, as well as basic naval combat.


The Seaspray Guild is headed by an elected representative voted on by the heads of all member agencies. Each member agency has its own organizational structure, leader, and policies, but more often than not they are operated as corporations with governing boards in control of the day-to-day operations. All inter-agency contracts and conflicts are overseen by the Seaspray Guild's leader, accountants, and mediators, but all internal decisions not affecting the guild as a whole are left up to the member agency.


As the monarchy of Ebonait transitioned into its current oligarchy and the Ebonaiti naval forces were disbanded, the myriad sailors, captains, and shipwrights began forming small organizations catering to their specific needs. These smaller organizations, no longer managed by the Ebonaiti government, slowly began working together in order to gain a seat at the newly established High Council. This slow evolution of organization resulted in the Seaspray Guild, a collaboration of various naval agencies aiming to see sailors, shipwrights, and navigators represented within the Ebonait government and working together for the greater good of Ebonait.
Guild, Adventuring
Notable Members