The Goddess Marainein Character in Mountain Glass | World Anvil
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The Goddess Marainein

The Lady of Rot and Ruin Marainein

The goddess Marainein, lady of rot and ruin, the inevitable fading of all things, the predatory patience of time and death, the withering. She takes the form of an eyeless raven the size of a mountain, trailing fog like the breath of ghosts. When angered, taloned fingers sprout from the fore-edges of her wings, her beak becomes serrated, the fog billows, and she rattles like the sound of rusting iron, crumbling bones, and dust.

Divine Domains

The Passage of Time, Withering, Decay, Rot, Ruin, Rust

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Skulls, Rust,

Divine Goals & Aspirations

To find anything that has outlived its time, and bring it low, so that it craves an end, as everything must eventually.

Physical Description

Body Features

An eyeless raven the size of a mountain. Where her eyes should be, there are only dark, empty pits. As she moves, the tips of her feathers crumble away into dust. She trails fog, the breath of ghosts. When she flies, the mountains are covered in it.

Identifying Characteristics

It's...difficult to mistake her for anyone else.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

The passage of time has always existed. Aging has always happened. Things have always fallen away, because nothing is permanent, not even the gods. That is Marainein. She exists because she has always existed, in a way. She hasn't always had a face or wings or a voice; those things happened a long time ago, when a raven alighted on a battlefield and walked over the many, desiccating bodies, and emerged marked by the desiccation. But rot and ruin has always been there.

Gender Identity

A female, more or less. Uses she/her pronouns, and addressed as the Lady of Rot and Ruin.

Morality & Philosophy

Marainein is the power you see when illness and age hollows someone's cheeks, when a very old tree topples because its roots are rotted and can't hold it anymore, when a well-forged sword becomes an unusable collection of iron and rust, when a mountain is worn down to a hill is worn down to a plain, when the first stone falls from the walls of a mighty fortress and when the last stone falls, too. She is not a violent goddess. Aging, withering, these things aren't violent. But they are implacable and unstoppable.


Family Ties

Her brother is Adeaba, the Lord of Wildfires.


The God Adeaba


Towards The Goddess Marainein



The Goddess Marainein


Towards The God Adeaba



Relationship Reasoning

They are siblings in the way of gods: born out of ideas, gods are siblings when the ideas they embody complete each other in some way. Together, these two embody the ideas of contamination and cleansing.

Divine Classification
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Lady of Rot and Ruin, Fog Bringer, Sees-All,
approx. 50m

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