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'Alashaia Hot Cider

"Hot" is very relative in this case; to an Earthling, or someone from any kind of warm climate, 'Alashaia hot cider resembles a slushie or shaved ice. However, to a Stenza, it is plenty warm.   Made from fermented 'Alashaia fruits and kept at a temperature closer to -63 degrees (except in rare cases of warm prepared beverages, which are much closer to the freezing point of water and consumed pretty much exclusively by Ta'zhen and visitors to Stenza quarters), hot cider and Migration's Toast are considered the two staple beverages of the Migration season.

Manufacturing process

The fruits used for this drink must be harvested and fermented almost as soon as Migration begins (or in ancient times, when the southern destination was reached and contact with the Sandibari was much more feasible). It is typically fermented similarly to Ale, with the container (a barrel, or a keg) is warmed in the ocean. Within a few weeks, the beverage is considered drinkable, although many prefer to wait until the 'alashaia flavor has finally mellowed out some (almost the end of the Migration season).
Item type
Consumable, Food / Drink
Owning Organization


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Dec 15, 2020 22:25 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

I'm just imagining trying to give a Stenza a cup of tea if they think that this drink is hot.

Dec 16, 2020 15:20

Funny you should mention that! I have a scene in my book where someone offers T'zim-Sha some coffee and he looks at it like "this is sus" because his body temp is so low. He doesn't even try to touch it.