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The largest and oldest city in Kal’Terra, It is the religious center of the world containing temples to all of the prime deities and at the center the Myth Spire. Said to be the last place where pure divine power touched the earth and the ground reach out towards it. It is a structure some 100 metres tall made of pure white stone coiling around itself in eleven distinct branches intertwined as the gods left this plane of existence forever. The city is divided into various districts each dedicated to their own god and ruled by the head of that religions church in which there is a temple to that god, if not necessarily the prime temple of that god.


A council with heads from each major religion


Successive walls around each ring closer in not to mention the shear mountains surrounding it.

Industry & Trade

Mythleheim is almost completely self-sufficient.


Each region is unique to the god that they revere


A standing army formed from clerics and paladins of each of the more warlike religion and enough crops from the nature gods to sustain the city in a closed system.

Guilds and Factions

Each church vies for control with cordial but intense politics between them.


Mythlehaim could be argued to be the oldest city. The devoutly religious gathered there as it was the last sight of divine presence on Kal'Terra. It was one of the only sights of peaceful coexistence between the races. Following the elven war and the fall of Terranon the city was officially founded as a last bastion of civilization in the event of any great wars occurring again.


Located at the heart of the Iron Back mountains in the southern center of Kal'Terra
Large city
Location under
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