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Glass Witch

Miya Vega (a.k.a. the Glass Witch)

A girl on a war path for revenge. The Ivory Faith took everything from her, now she'll take everything from them. She'll tear them apart and make the one who betrayed her pay for it. He tore her heart out and killed her family. And Miya hates him for it. Only hates. There's no other feelings for him leftover. None whatsoever...
She's been trying to draw out the Ivory Faith since they killed her family last year. She knows they're based in the Red Templar Church near to her hometown and has been doing her best to attack their attention and ire by flagrantly using her powers in a streak of thefts in her town and others nearby. 
The law enforcement have given up trying to find her and the every time some of the Faith find her she sends them back dead. She wants to cut their numbers down before she goes in to wipe them all out. And she needs to handle him first. But every time the Grey Paladin finds her and she tries to draw him into a fight, it's like he's deliberately letting her win long enough to justify and retreat. 
Before Daniel, Miya was a loud and confident girl, now she's loud, confident and angry. Soon she'll find him and she won't let him run away this time.

Physical Description

Special abilities

Earth Manipulation – The character can control earth, sand, stone, rock, lava, dirt, and/or other minerals. Miya's power extend solely to creating Sand.
Heat Manipulation – The ability to create heat but not necessarily flame constructs as is the case with fire manipulation. Miya's heat in entirely internal and cannot be used externally from her body. This leads to an immunity to extreme heats (and heated objects). 
  Both these powers work intrinsically connected. The sand in super heated the second it is created, turning it to superheated Glass. The surface is burning to the touch for a time after creation and the Glass constructs are double the strength of average Glass. Miya cannot create or manipulate sand without it turning to Glass nor can she use the Heat as an external power in any way.

Apparel & Accessories

A lot of ripped clothing that offer no protection from the cold but she has a core heat that protects her from the climate. Uses a staff to channel her powers. The staff has no properties that actually affects powers but it's useful in helping to direct her powers from afar. She also tends to wield glass shards and stake-like daggers if for close combat situations.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Miya had a fairly normal life. She had a family, a job, maybe even a possible romance. Yes he belonged to that scary religious group that was based near her home town but no guy's perfect right? Everything was normal. He liked her because she could be loud where he had been taught to be reserved, she could be honest and not fear punishment like he did, she was outspoken and witty, thing's he could never be allowed to be. They met in a coffee shop shop, they dated for a while, occasionally he would be sent away on missions for that religious group of his but he was only gone a few days at a time and it only happened every few weeks. He was struggling with something, Miya could tell and she was close to getting him to open up to her. 
Until Miya's powers surfaced.
He'd been away on one of his missions when it happened. It was an unusually long one too, a few weeks long instead of days. Plenty of time for Miya to manifest and learn to control her abilities. Miya still doesn't know how he knew. She didn't show any signs of powers where they reunited. But somehow he did know and the horror in his eyes made her uneasy. He left and Miya went home to warn her family.
That was when the militant faith showed up; they dragged her family away and tried to do the same to Miya. She got free, and she had to watch whilst they burned her parents at the stake. And he watched too. Her Daniel. He watched them burn from under the hood of his. He told. He told his group about Miya and her parents suffered for it. Now she'll get revenge. She'll slaughter every last of those Ivory Faith and then she'll watch. She'll watch their bodies crack and crumble to dust. And Daniel, that Hooded Devil, he'll pay.   Miya can't go back to her previous life. Even though many in her community would take her in, even knowing the fate off those that snub the Ivory Faith. But it would eventually get back to the Red Templar and those offering her sanctuary would suffer for it. They would burn too. She can't inflict on others what happened to her family. So now she has no one; no family, no friends, no community. She's living in an rented basement apartment, with a seedy landlord that won't ask questions and honestly would deserve a visit from the Ivory Faith. She has to be careful not to let him pick up on her powers however or he'll turn her in for a reward.   After the loss of her family, Miya's morality has been twisted by grief. Her parents had upheld to her to be a lawful and honest citizen and when her powers surfaced she swore she would never use them for selfish purposes like she wanted to. But then her family died and the unfairness swayed Miya's logic. Her family had died having never known stability, having never not struggled to make ends meet. She had wanted to fix that, could have used her powers to take whatever they needed. But they told her no, they said there was no point in having something if you didn't earn it and so she didn't steal, she held off. And they died.
In her grief and anger, Miya saw that time is always against you. Fail to act now and you may not get the chance to do so in the future. Now she sees no point in holding back. Her family held back and what did their honour get them? They died with nothing. Miya takes what she wants. She's stolen from banks, stores, people, if she needs it she'll take it and woe to those who get in her way. She doesn't take from those with little however, especially since she's still in her home town and the surrounding towns and these are people she's known her whole life. Yes she will get revenge for her family but in the mean time, she intends to enjoy what little life she may have left. What's the point in having powers if she doesn't use them to make herself happy after all?

Accomplishments & Achievements

Has built a hoard of stolen goods in her Homebase. Her treasure trove is filled with all forms of entertainment from high end technology to designer clothing to general piles of money waiting to be used.

Failures & Embarrassments

Her parents died because Miya got involved with a man who she couldn't see the truth about. They died because she trusted the wrong person. She won't make that mistake again.

Personality Characteristics


Kill every last Ivory Faith. Make Daniel pay. Enjoy what little life she probably has left. Her revenge will probably mean the end of her life and that's ok but Miya may as well have some enjoyment before it ends. Even if it is superficial and shallow and gained from material possessions. She should be able to have them whilst she waits fort he right moment to stroke at the Red Templar and wipe them all out.

Vices & Personality flaws

Daniel - The Grey Paladin is both her vice and her flaw. He betrayed her and caused her family's deaths but she still have feelings for him. She wants him back and she couldn't be more ashamed of it. She should only hate him but she doesn't. In Miya's eyes that's an even bigger betrayal to her family than his was to her.


Contacts & Relations

Grey Paladin - a previous romantic interest. He handed her over to the Faith. He betrayed her. Miya hates him. She definitely hates him. She doesn't still have feelings for him. She doesn't... But she does. He still affects her and she hates that. She wants to only hate him but she doesn't.
Ice Blue, empty
Neon blue blending into green, with bottle green/blue tips
Skin Tone/Pigmentation

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