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Grey Paladin

Daniel Fellows (a.k.a. the Grey Paladin)

The strongest and most infamous warrior of the Ivory Faith militant. Elder Jonah adopted Daniel as a young child after the Ivory Faith killed his parents. He has been raised indoctrinated in the Faith and is ready and willing to be its sword. He will do what he must to enact God's will. Even if he himself is one of the abominations they need to wipe out.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

His body is covered in scars, especially his back. They mark the torture he underwent since childhood as part of his path to being redeemed in the eyes of god. His suffering was supposed to cleanse his demonic soul and refashioned him into a weapon against his own people.

Special abilities

Power Sensing – The ability to sense powers in another being. Varies depending on power levels and use. A strong super can be sensed from up to a mile away. A weaker power will take closer proximity and sometimes needs to be used to be sensed. Superpower Tracking – The ability to track a power signature to a degree that is superhuman and transcends the limits of the five senses.

Apparel & Accessories

Wears what appears to be a mix of modern swat gear and monks robes, under a long grey hooded jacket. Carries a broad sword and 2 shorts words.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Daniel's parents were hired supers for the secret service for their government. When he was 6, they were tracked by the Ivory Faith and his parents slaughtered. His mother had displayed an ability geared towards tracking and Elder Jonah spared Daniel from the flames in the hopes the young boy had the same powers. Jonah got lucky; Daniel's powers allow his to track supers.
Knowing this, Jonah set about conditioning the young boy. Now after years of emotional, psychological and physical abuse, Daniel is well and truly brainwashed. He believes he is a demon, an abomination in the eyes of God. He hates himself and his people and he doesn't have any qualms about killing and capturing Supers and returning them to the Church to be cleansed. He sees Jonah as his saviour who set him on the path to redemption. As a man that took him in, who raised him alongside his own child despite the fact that Daniel is a monster.
  A year ago he began a relationship with a girl from the neighbouring town. She was sarcastic and outspoken and happy, everything Daniel can't be. He began to develop feelings for her. Ones that threatened to overshadow his loyalty to the Faith. They would go on dates in between his missions for the Faith. He missed her whilst he was away. Even when he should be focusing on tracking and cleansing the abominations, all he could think of was Miya. 
And then he sensed the power surges from her. Daniel was grief stricken. He didn't know what to do. He expressed what he knew in private confession but the information found its way to Elder Jonah. Jonah reinforced Daniel's conditioning with a prolonged punishment. When the Faith militant arrived for Miya, Daniel was leading them, overcome with grief and shame about his love for a 'demon corrupter'. Miya escaped and had blamed Daniel ever since. She now goes by 'the Glass Witch.' Every time Daniel sees her the seeds of corruption that she planted, sprout again. It's getting more and more difficult to tear them out each time. He doesn't know what to do, he can't kill her.


The Grey Paladin is the sword of the Ivory Faith. He is the one that heads the charge against the Super powered abominations. When a report comes in about a particularly powerful Super, he is sent to find them and to cleanse them from this Earth. He's good at his job, he was raised to be. His missions very rarely last long as he is adept at hunting his targets.

Failures & Embarrassments

Is ashamed of what he is and can do. Even if he uses his abilities for 'good' he's still a monster, with tainted blood. If Father Jonah hadn't saved him, he would have grown up to be just as monstrous as him ancestors.
  The girl he loved turned out to be as monstrous as he is, she tried to corrupt him and would have turned him away from Faith. And yet Daniel still loves her. He is ashamed of it but he still loves her.

Mental Trauma

Thinks he's a demon, an abomination. Has went through years of mind warping and conditioning and thinks he deserved every bit of suffering he had endured or will endure, is pain he deserves for what he is. His torture extended not only to controlling his powers but also to condition him to complete devoted loyalty to Jonah. Anytime he failed to properly learn a lesson or spoke out of term, whenever he struggled to grasp a combat maneuver or questioned his mission, he would be sliced into and after it was over, Jonah would ask why he humiliated so and why would he disappointed him? Over the years Jonah continually passes his own failures to Daniel and Daniel shoulders the blame for them all.

Morality & Philosophy

Only kills those that have used their powers for negative use, people who use their powers for gain or to harm. The rest he turns over to the Church for them to 'save'. No matter what they do he will never kill children. That said he knows that those 'saved' by the Church are burned at the stake after extended torture. He refuses to acknowledge his part in the death of those innocents. Not because he think he's not at fault but because he can't stand to think of it. Deep down he knows who his people really are and he knows they're innocent but he clings to the beliefs burned into him since childhood and insists they've be 'saved'.

Personality Characteristics


Will cleanse the world of all of God's failed creations. The demons will be burned out.

Likes & Dislikes

Is disgusted by Supers and what he thinks they represent.


Contacts & Relations

the Glass Witch - A super that wants him dead. They had the beginnings of a relationship once before Miya's powers surfaced. Daniel turned her over and even though Miya escaped, her family was not so lucky. They were burned for being carriers of demonic blood and the witch has wanted revenge against Daniel ever since. He knows he should kill her, she's been attacking and killing members of Ivory Faith for a year now. She's a monster. But he can't bring himself to do it. Every time she slips from his fingers on the hunt, he breathes a sigh of relief. He doesn't know what he'll do if he actually caught her.   Neko - an annoying Super that's been stealing information from the Church for years. She somehow manages to avoid capture but when Daniel catches up with her, he'll slice her head from her demonic body.

Family Ties

Elder Jonah - Daniel's adopted father. Jonah set him on the path to redemption, he cleansed his soul. Daniel will do whatever he can to avoid bringing shame to his father. He offered him a chance to do good.   Eve Fellows - Daniel's adopted sister. A pure and good soul and a devoted sister to the Faith. Sometimes Daniel gets an odd sense from her though but it must be his mind playing tricks. He's overworked. Sister Eveline could never be anything but good.

Religious Views

The Earth has been invaded by abominations, by God's failed creations. They use unholy powers and need to be cleansed. Even though he himself is one of them, he will see them wiped out and the Earth made pure again. Maybe then he will be redeemed in the eyes of God.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Grey Paladin
The Hooded Knight
The Grey Knight
The Hooded Paladin
Current Residence
Red Templar
Dirty Blond
Skin Tone/Pigmentation

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