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Glitch (a.k.a. Haxx)

Chaotic and nearly neurotic, Haxx is the resident thorn in side of every member of the League of Heroes. She creates havoc in every colony they send her to and delights in causing trouble. Whilst no one blames her given her past, it's beginning to get a little trying. Hopefully now that she's back in Subter and they can keep an eye on her, she'll be distracted by the other Supers in her generation and minor panics that they'll allow in the hopes she doesn't destroy everything. Again.

Physical Description

Physical quirks

She seems to sometimes... glitch? I guess that's why she was named but watching her twitch and her body glitch like a computer screen can be unsettling.

Special abilities

Cyberpathy – The ability to interface with computers directly through the mind and/or control computers mentally. Some computers require a stronger force and must be phased into.    Electrical Mimicry – The being has a body composed of electricity. This form allows Haxx to phase into computers and other technology to take control or travel through the electrical grid. This form is only available during, or briefly before or after phasing into technology.    Force Field Generation – The ability to project powerful fields of manipulated energy.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Glitch’s powers manifested soon after birth and she was confiscated by her government to be raised as a part of a group of super children. She was raised with military discipline, her every move and action regimented and controlled. She spent all her time being forced to use her powers to create chaos through hacking and manipulating technology. She had no freedom, no control, they demanded perfect harmony and discipline. She began to see that little bit of chaos she was ordered to create, as beautiful. It was everything she craved and didn't have. There was no order, no limitations, nothing boxing it in. It was freedom in its purest form.   Even after the League liberated her, the constant push for order had twisted her. She craves chaos and anarchy. She likes to drink and party because it’s the definition of disorder and lets her forget her past for a time. Glitch is the name given to her in the facility. Her chosen name is Haxx. She wants to bring chaos to the world, to set it free and watch all the restrictions burn away.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Any chaos she creates is an accomplishment and she revels in every one.

Mental Trauma

The pressures of her upbringing have left her somewhat unstable and manic in her quest for true anarchy.

Intellectual Characteristics

party girl, chaotic, manic, excitable, giddy, never takes anything seriously, jumps at the chance to cause trouble

Morality & Philosophy

Destroy it all. Crush the Wheel. Down with your conformity. We'll see how you conform when your world is crumbling and on fire.

Personality Characteristics


She wants to watch the world burn, to destroy the order of the world and reduce it to chaos and anarchy. Burn it all down. Haxx will destroy any and all order in the world and create true freedom. And when its all crumbled and burning, all those restrictions placed in the world by society will fall too and everyone will see what Haxx already sees. That chaos is freedom and rules only constrict you and life is better without.


Contacts & Relations

Berserker - a friend and ally. Once they take over the world, he'll let her wreak as much havoc as she wants.    Super Soldier - grew up in the same facility but did not know this until after they had been removed from it. Haxx hates James for not hating the government tools that stole their childhood. She assumes he was stolen from his family like she was and does not know the real story of his 'birth'. The reason she was freed from the facility was due to the enacting of James's mission.

Religious Views

Like many Supers worldwide, Haxx hates the Ivory Faith. Unlike them she can't wait to personally watch them suffer as she burns them like they burn innocent Supers.
Current Residence
Purple and almost...pixelated?
Short, messy, a commination of blue, green and purple
Skin Tone/Pigmentation

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