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Tabitha Dalby (a.k.a. Necro)

A quiet and shy girl, Tabitha has not had an easy life so far. She is scared of her powers and how others view them. She doesn't like interacting with others because she expects to be rejected after her powers are revealed. Because of this she now avoid making emotional attachments. Continual assertions that her death related abilities are evil have begun to take a toll and she has recently started to wonder if she is indeed a monster like she's been told. These concerns have continued despite now being among fellow Supers that accept her and her powers. She's been listening more and more to the Ivory Faith's propaganda and she's beginning to believe they may be able to save her. Last week she snuck out of the protected Sanctuary town the League placed her in and made her way to the Ivory Faith's nearest base, the Red Templar. She's hoping that they can save her like they've said they can. That they can rid her of these powers or at least set her on the path to redemption so she won't be evil. Tabitha has yet to realise that the way the Ivory faith 'saves' a soul is to burn them at the stake and let the fire 'cleanse' them.

Physical Description

Special abilities

Vision (ghosts) – The ability to see ghosts but not summon ghosts. This power is limited to the recently deceased that have not gone to the other side. Spirits that have gone to the other side need to be summoned.   Ghost Manipulation – The ability to control ghosts. The ability to exorcise ghosts.   Mediumship – The ability to summon spirits. The medium doesn’t to go where the ghost lives i.e. a haunted place. The spirit comes to the medium.   Necromancy – The ability to control the dead. Note this does not mean placing a soul into the body, merely manipulating the corpses and skeletons of the deceased.

Apparel & Accessories

Does not wear any kind of 'Hero' outfit but prefers to wear black clothing if she can

Mental characteristics

Personal history

When Tabitha was younger, her parents took her to a museum. Her powers manifested and allowed her to resurrect and the control the bones of the dinosaurs in the exhibit. Tabby had no idea she was doing anything wrong, she was happy and excited to play with her friends. Her parents however were disturbed, saw her death powers as a sign of her character and despite knowing their daughter to be a gentle and kind person, they gave her up for adoption, fearing what she would become and wanting no part in the struggle that came with a gifted child. Her first foster home worked well for the first month, until they took her to the home of their grandmother and Tabby started talking to the late grandfather. They returned her to the foster group the next day. The next home worked until Tabby once again met and talked to a spirit. That family, being deeply religious tried to have Tabitha exorcised. She was found and rescued by social services within a week. This cycle continued over and over. Everyone around Tabby eventually saw her powers as a sign of death, an omen of ill will, a creation of evil.    She learned not to open herself to others, to avoid attachment so that, when they abandoned her, it wouldn’t hurt as much. Finally, the League of Heroes stepped in, took Tabitha into their care, but the damage was done. Tabby stays closed off to all around her. Where she had originally found joy in resurrecting and helping the dead, she now avoids using her powers unless she has too. All said, inside she yearns for a social connection, for love; something she hasn’t had in years. She hates the name Necro but doesn’t want to speak up to object. Many in the sanctuary created by the League have tried to reach out to Tabby but she locks them out, out of fear of being hurt again. She's so scarred by her past that she doesn't seem able to recognise when people genuinely want to help her and befriend her. Even now that she is among those who accept her, a needling doubt still whispers that she's a demon and a monster. It's been growing louder and louder and she seems on the edge of something drastic.

Mental Trauma

Constant Rejection has made her unwilling to open up and enforced the belief that she is in fact a demon, created to cause harm and pain. This scares her deeply because she doesn't want to hurt anyone.

Intellectual Characteristics

hesitant, closed off, secretly yearns for a connection, scared to show her true self, shy, gentle, kind, sweet

Personality Characteristics


She doesn’t have a goal, she doesn’t know where she’s going in life. She doesn't want to be a hero nor does she have any lofty plans. She just wants to be normal and she doesn't know if that could ever be possible.


Contacts & Relations

Enjoys a quiet friendship with Null as he doesn't speak or judge her and lets her sit quietly without expectations.

Religious Views

Had several traumatic encounters with religious families in the past but now is starting to wonder if all the propaganda of the Ivory Faith may be true. And maybe they can save her.
Current Residence
Black and sad
Long, Pure White and Ratty
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Unhealthily Pale

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