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Eveline Fellows (a.k.a. Neko)

Father Jonah's daughter and a Sister of the Ivory Faith, Eve has been the mole for the League of Heroes for years without detection. She runs and organises the railroad that smuggles Supers out of the Faith's churches and gets them to the safety of the hidden League communities. She has on occasion taken on a 'Hero' persona, but Neko's outfit and demeanours were carefully designed so that they could never be connected back to Eve and her hidden second life. Neko is loud and brash and colourful, all things Eve was raised, or rather trained not to be. Neko flaunts some kind of cat form related powers but Eve has a real hidden ability far more dangerous.

Physical Description

Special abilities

Bestower - Can grant new powers and super abilities to both humans and supers. Requires a physical connection between the Bestower and recipient and a great deal of concentration. This ability can only be used once or twice every few days because of the power levels required. The new given powers take a few days to surface and the Bestower has no control or knowledge of what they will be.

Apparel & Accessories

Neko - bright colours and cat imagery to fool viewers into believing her powers are cat-related; Fake cat ears, cat gloves and boots, Tail belt. Painted on face markings to assist in disguise attempts. 
  Eve -

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Eve was raised in the Ivory Faith her whole life. Her father is an elder of the church and continually spouted rhetoric as she grew up but as she got older she started to doubt. The Faith's methods and her Father's actions, especially those involved in conditioning her adopted brother Daniel, solidified her doubts but what sealed them was the surfacing of her own powers. When her powers appeared Eve had no control over who and when she gave out new powers and only barely managed to hide herself and them. However those that she accidentally granted powers to were not so lucky and many burned at the stake because of what she did to them. Her grief and guilt led her to reach out to the League and together they established the underground railroad. The purpose of the railroad was to free and smuggle out the Supers imprisoned in the church before they could be burned at the stake. Once out the League would hide the smuggled supers in their own hidden colonies. Because of her familial connection to a leader of the Faith, Eve often gets the inside information on hunts and hints for Supers and can sometimes leak the information to the League to save the target before the Faith can get to them. When it became clear information was being leaked, Eve had to back off a little and created her Hero persona Neko as a scapegoat for the Faith to blame and hunt. With Eve on the inside with a direct ear to the leadership decisions she could hide herself and her persona. Over the years the League began to send undercover operatives into the Church to assist Eve in her railroad. These agents would route out the Supers that wanted to be saved and then be directed by Eve as to how to smuggle them out and what routes to take. These agents were implemented as a way to avoid Eve being uncovered since her position is so important. Very few outside of the League know who the leader of the Railroad really is and those that do, like the previous agents sent in to help Eve, are either sworn to secrecy or have their memories removed by another League agent with the power to do so.
  Eve has been offered many times to be saved from the Faith herself. Now that the League has smuggling routes she could live a peaceful life in the hidden colonies but Eve is scared to leave. She's scared to leave the only home she knows, even if it is a monstrous place. She's scared of her powers being revealed and used to create and army, not to mention how the Faith would hunt her if it was revealed she can make Supers. And she's scared of her family. Her Father and his trained killer, her adopted brother would hunt Eve to the ends of the world and that terrifies her more than anything.

Accomplishments & Achievements

The Establishment of the Underground Railroad - Eve has saved hundreds of Supers from the flames of the Faith.

Mental Trauma

Was responsible for the deaths of 14 members of the Ivory Faith and 9 civilians who were burned at the stake after Eve accidentally gave them powers when her own abilities surfaced. She carries the guilt and trauma to this day.

Personality Characteristics


To save as many innocents from the fires of the Ivory Faith, so they don't burn like those Eve got killed and to continually destabilise the Ivory Faith until at least the militant aspects fall apart. She doesn't know what she wants after that because she doesn't think the Ivory Faith can be stopped.


Family Ties

Elder Jonah - Eve's father. Whilst he raised her, he did not do so with much love, or at least real love. Jonah excels in false affection and he raised both his children with it. Eve is terrified of her father and his militant faithful. In delight in burning innocent Supers for no crime other than being what they are, makes Eve hate her father as much as she fears him. That said she can never show it. If she appears as anything other than a devoted sister of the Faith, ready to follow her father to the end, suspicion would fall on her quickly and she would likely burn.   Daniel - Eve's adopted brother. The infamous Grey Paladin scares Eve. He could catch her any day. Eve knows he'll slaughter her if he catches her. Even before her powers surfaced, he's always scared her. Not just because he's a trained killer but because she watched her father condition him from a young age. She watched him grow from a sacred child to an empty, emotionless killer.

Religious Views

Eve was raised as part of the Religious Cult, the Ivory Faith and whilst she does believe in this god, she doesn't think Supers are abominations. Nor does she believe that God wants them destroyed.
Current Residence
Red Templar
Blue (Pink Contacts)
Brown Wig kept in a plait (Long, Pink and Blue, Held up in Big Ponytails)

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