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A member of the League of Heroes, she has saved countless Supers and slaughtered even more humans. She's been laying the ground work for years and plotting with numerous Supers. Soon she will begin and start her take over. She will kill the League of Heroes member that don't side with her. She will recruit all the Supers from the hidden communities and lead them to their rightful place. They are gods among ants and the humans will learn their place or die.

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

Has snake fangs and scales.

Special abilities

Snake Anatomy – The character has the characteristics of a snake. This includes venom, Snake-like flexibility, speed and ability and has somewhat hypnotic qualities on weak humans aka all humans.

Apparel & Accessories

Wears a snake skin body suit.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

For years Viper has been watching Supers be used and killed by humans. Its disgusting. They have powers, they are higher beings, gods in their own right and these pitiful creatures try to control us? No. No more. We are the higher species. The better race. We will rule.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Has been laying the groundwork for a conquest for years, will rule the world as the one true leader of the Superior race.

Personality Characteristics

Likes & Dislikes

Finds average humans disgusting and lesser. They are sub-human. We are more. We are better. They don't deserve to be equal with us.


Contacts & Relations

Berserker - a useful tool for the new world. His rage and obsession for strength makes him easily manipulated by one so superior as Viper. If she becomes a problem after he'll be handled.   Haxx - Her power will be extremely useful in the new world order but she may need to be conditioned to fix her chaotic desires.   Super Soldier - he will be a problem. James is too wholesome to be part of the new world. He will have to be eliminated.
Current Residence
Green snake eyes
Dark green, dreadlocks
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Scaled, with a green hue

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