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Elondin of Sceaferd

The Deorim Fourteenth, The First Shepherd Elondin

Elondin was an old, elven mage from the village of Scaeferd who brought about a new religion born of the original elven faith. Ancient, historical elven texts tell the tale of how when the elves that had traveled from ancient Elfeim to Arboria they had done so in the hopes that their new home would be safe from daemons, fey and feyblooded creatures as promised by their twelve gods, the Deorum. Upon finding that their new home was equally as corrupted as the lands they had come from the elves had despaired that they had been lied to by their gods. One day the Arborian king's court would be visited by the sage elf Elondin, who had came from the neighboring lands of Sceaferd to inform the kingdom he had been visited by a thirteenth god by the name of Opokus, who would explain the unfortunate turn of events that lead to the misunderstanding of the Deorim.   Thus was the Elondinist faith founded with Elondin seen as the founder of the path of salvation, Messenger of the Mother Goddess and the Fourteenth Deorim. The First Shepherd of elfkind.  

Childhood, Adolescence

  Not much is known of Elondin's earlier years. A lot of this historical knowledge has been lost, though many Elondinist texts claim to have known the story behind Elondin from his youth. According to accounts found in the Elez Elvaania, the Sceaferdist bible, the sage is described as being modest about his past, claiming that he had been but a mere shepherd in his childhood years, never having gone through any events of note other than moving from Elfeim to Arboria with the rest of his village. In post-mortem accounts, additions to the Elez Elvaania recorded to have been added after Elondin Sizsaen's passing, his closest disciples mention events in the First Shepherd's youth that include foreseeing ill events in people's lives, preventing a calamity from happening, magically changing the number of sheep in his herd and reviving a child from death. He was born to an elven seamstress by the name of Yaeleia and a herder by the name of Siz, who are said to have conceived Elondin before the Deorim one dawn just as the sun came up over the horizon and had their union blessed by the gods directly.  


  Into his adulthood Elondin is recorded as having grieved the loss of his mother to the nightlings of Arboria. Unable to come to terms with continuing the life of a herder he came to the city of Arboria to learn magic, as so to help prevent any more incidents like the one that had caused his mother to perish from happening again. Elondin enrolled in the school of a powerful mage by the name of Tyruadin that had a prodigious coven of mages; he became a recognized mage of his order, getting married and having children in Arboria. He was married with a mage by the name of Sylvana, who reared him two children: Caestesos, eldest son and Rinfa, youngest daughter.  

Elder Years

  By the time Elondin was 220 he was the chief ruler of

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Only texts exists about Elodin of Sceaferd, but the general consensus is that he was an exceptionally tall, old elf. Despite his old age even when he first appeared before the Arborian people, he was never once mentioned as being unable to walk on his own, although some anecdotes retell Elondin's humor in the form of him mentioning he'd outrun a throng of young elves from the Arborian barracks in their training.

Body Features

Elondin was always pictured as being in a robe.

Facial Features

Elondin is always depected as having long eyebrows, almost as long as his ears. He has a long beard that reaches his waistline. Elondin is always shown smiling, the pale blue irises of his eyes looking unfocused as though he were blind or covered in cataracts. Texts in the Elezenlopaedia and the Mater Biblo mention his kind eyes looking rather worn, though mention of him being blind is never included.
Divine Classification
Current Status
Pale Blue
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale White
Deorim Thirteen, Mater Deorsa
Aligned Organization

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