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"They are, perhaps, the most blessed of us all. For humans are resourceful in both the path of magic and the path without." - Aruar Tedrekair IX

Humans are the most numerous and politically dominant sapient species in Mundus. They, along with the elves, dwarves, seeq and  forged the Alliance of Mundus when the world needed them most.

Basic Information


Humans are mammals. They have a head, two arms that end in a pair of advanced, 5-fingered hands that sport opposable thumbs and two legs that end in feet used for movement. Though the tops and backs of their heads tend to grow enough hair to cover the skin of their scalps, with males normally having the capacity to grow hair around their faces and upper lips into full beards, their skin is devoid of enough fur to protect from cold weather conditions.

Genetics and Reproduction

As with all mammals the human species reproduces via sexual intercourse between male and female partners who produce an offspring. The female partner becomes pregnant and carries the unborn child for 9 months in her womb after which time she gives birth.

Growth Rate & Stages

Baby humans grow from infancy to full maturity in around 18 years. Throughout this period of time and after the species will undergo five different stages of life: infancy, childhood, adolescence, adulthood and old age.   Infancy usually ends at age 5, where the baby grows into a child capable of fending for itself to a degree. Past that, adolescence usually starts at age 12 - 13 where the child develops its body further, growing in strength and height to almost full development while its sexual organs finally develop their ability to reproduce. Adulthood starts at age 18 - 20, where the body has biologically developed to its prime. After about 25 years of age further aging begins to slowly wear out the individual's biological functions. Signs of age deterioration commonly start showing by age 35 - 40, and by age 60 a human's body will likely be suffering one or more debilitating physical conditions caused by advanced age. Old age is considered to have started after about 50 years of age, by which time most humans' hair will have either partially or entirely grayed out into whiter hues of their former colors.   Humans tend to succumb and naturally perish due to worsened bodily functions by age 70 - 80. With certain magical processes human life can be extended up to 100 years and there are humans that, through the use of these processes, have lived up to 120 years of age.

Ecology and Habitats

By default, the human body thrives in tropical and near-tropical temperate areas. However humans are creatures of adaptation and have developed technologies that allow them to live comfortably outside these climate zones even without the use of magic.   Since they strayed from nomadism, humankind's settlements have become bigger and more complex. The race is known for stripping natural resources from the areas around their settlements in bulk and taming or outright eliminating nature within range of their habitat to control the amount of maintenance necessary to keep their living spaces efficient and comfortable. They will clear forests, level hills, change the natural course of rivers, all for the sake of making their space for their buildings and roads.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Omnivores at heart, humans can and will eat almost anything they can get their hands on.   In ancient times humans were hunter gatherers that travelled in tribes in a nomadic lifestyle. Once they settled they began to develop methods and processes by which to protect their food sources and store them simultaneously. Agriculture, trapping, farming and other such methods were employed and ensured that, even if they were living in temperate or artic climates, they'd harvest and store food through otherwise inhospitable winter conditions.

Biological Cycle

Infancy is shed when humans grow to their full size at maturity. Their body grows from infant size to be fully developed by the time they've reached 20 years of age. From full maturity at adulthood the human body starts becoming more and more frail as time elapses, until by the time they have grown to 60 years of age their bodies normally have one or more debilitating physical conditions. Graying or whitening hair is a common sign of age, along with larger number of wrinkles along their skin, withering muscles, decreased stamina and reduced performance of sensory organs.

Additional Information

Average Intelligence

Humankind is considered one of the smartest races in Mundus. Some of the world's most prominent scientists have been humans and in the business of airship engineering humans are second to none. On average humans are at least able to read and write, with basic knowledge of math, world history, magic theory and mundane science.   Of the five major human countries, four have public education programs funded by their country's government. Bilingual humans are not hard to come across, though finding a polyglot human is much harder.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Humans have five main developed senses that are experienced through the use of specialized organs found throughout their bodies.  

Magic Ability

  Magic Type Statistics: 26% Animus, 24% Citra, 25% Corporis, 25% Sagasitas   Magically, humans tend to not be able to manipulate mana, landing them a space in the Encyclopedia Mundus as a mundane, smartfolk race. Around 55% of the human population is completely unable to use magic. Humans have some of the most varied division of mana-type controllers, and their mana user population is almost equally divided between the four main mana types.

Civilization and Culture

Major Organizations

Major human territories include [COUNTRY NAME], [COUNTRY NAME], [COUNTRY NAME], [COUNTRY NAME] and [COUNTRY NAME].

Beauty Ideals

In human society males are generally seen as more attractive based on the shape of their body's muscular build, strength and taller height. Women, meanwhile, are seen as beautiful based on their slender build, shorter height and shape of their bodies. These standards can vary between cultures but are the norm for most.

Gender Ideals

Males are usually seen as the stronger gender and are incorporated into warrior and leadership castes more often than females, who are seen as the gentler sex. Due to this females are normally given subservient roles in human society.   In recent years, under the new political ideology of Equality for the Alliance, gender roles have been pressed to change by society to include more females within leadership and warrior roles as part of the equality movement.

Relationship Ideals

Humans tend to live for prolonged periods of time with their partners. Whether monogamist or polygamist, every human culture teaches that the ideal relationship includes of falling into a romantic, long-lasting relationship with their sexual partners with which they have had children. They raise and educate their children together until they come of age, which is usually late adolescence, when they are expected to start fending for themselves in society thanks to what they have been taught.

Average Technological Level

Non-magical technologies of the modern day are attributed in great part to humans. Because more than half of humankind are incapable of using magic, a subculture of magic independence had been developed in some of their realms since ancient times. To replace their inability to cast spells to survive and increase their quality of life, they invented new technologies never before produced by the more magically-inclined races of the world. For this reason humans, along with the dwarves and the seeq, are considered pioneers in mechanical engineering and chemical research sciences.   A large list of technologies are attributed to humans as having been the first to create them. The first wooden, sail-operated airships were created by human shipwrights who fused skystone construction with ship building back in [DATE]. The humans are also known for having been the first race to create the compass, the science of optics, the printing press and refrigeration. Currently, with globalization and industrialization taking over the modern age, most technologies are commonly adopted either by humans or from humans all around Mundus. Human societies are usually rife with the most advanced technology the world has to offer, as their innate desire for convenience in the face of magic impotence creates a high demand for specialized machines that make their lives easier.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Elves are humans' best friends, followed closely by dwarves and galdgents.
80 years
Average Height
Males: 5'8" - 6'8" Females: 5'0" - 5'11"
Average Weight
Males: 150 - 280 lbs Females: 110 - 200 lbs
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Skin Colors: Pale peach, pinkish peach, tan, brown, soot black.   Hair Colors: Black, brown, auburn, red, blond.   Eye Colors: Dark brown (black), brown, green, hazel, blue, grey, amber.
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