Angmar Character in Mundus | World Anvil
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The fabled necromancer Angmar is one of the evils spawned from Gorgorath. Nothing is known about this necromancer before he received his training from Y'Berion. What is known that after he completed his training in the dark arts from this greatest of necromancers in the year 890, he left the citadel of Gorgorath and settled in the slopes of the Dragontail Mountains, near the lands of Geldrin. Here he started building his strength.  

The War of Thedas

Angmar started amassing hordes of undead and erected a witch fortress in the Dragontail mountains. The original name given to this fortress has been lost in time and is now only known by the name of its founder: Angmar. As foul things were drawn to him, so too was a band of Nordmarian orcs led by Thorek. They struck a deal and the leaders of these orcs were given an unnatural lifespan by the necromancer. In return they swore fealty to Angmar. From this point on they would be known as the Angmarian orcs.   When Angmar felt his powers were strong enough, he unleashed his hordes upon the people of the cities of Geldrin. The people struck an alliance with the dwarves of theKingdom of Mazaar. After a long war the alliance of men and dwarves succeeded in killing the necromancer. The Angmarian orcs were routed and dispersed over the Dragontail mountains. In an act of revenge the alliance set its sights on the origin of this evil: Gorgorath. Its forces tore down the necromancer citadel and razed its walls.   The alliance forged between dwarves and men gave rise to the founding of the human kingdom of Thedas.
865 3E 925 3E 60 years old


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