Geldrin Geographic Location in Mundus | World Anvil
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The province of Geldrin was the north-easternmost province of the Kingdom of Thedas. Even though the region has seen several other kingdoms and tribes come and go, it is often still referred to by this name. The region covers the settlements of Tumnosh, Ozan, Shornhelm, Ekrund and Azgal. The region is characterized by large steppe grasslands and several smaller forests.  


The province was the north-easternmost province of the kingdom of Thedas. Because of its position on the crossroads of several kingdoms it was an important trade region. Most notable among those is the trade with the Kingdom of Mazaar, as the eastern entrance to Mazaar is located close to the city of Tumnosh. During the rule of Thedas the region was ruled by a scale of feudal lords who all ruled over their own fiefs.  


The province of Geldrin was the only region to not become completely inhabitable by the curse of the Girger in 1193. Soon after this it was however conquered by the Angmarian orcs, who, now without the guidance of their necromancer overlords, settled these lands and founded the Witch keep of Angmar nearby. Since that time the lands were ruled by the Angmarian orc king Thorek.  

Bands of Brothers

Around the 1360's Thorek had sent a large portion of his armies westward under the leadership of his brothers Uruk and Varkrass. Several bands of Wildlings took this opportunity and invaded the weakened Angmarians. They succeeded and conquered the whole region. In the year 1395 The Night's Watch arrived in the region through the eastern entrance of Mazaar and in an alliance with most of the Bands they defeated Thorek.  


With the great Nordmarian invasion of 1407 the Bands of Brothers were driven out by the orc mage Azhidal. He and his warhorde settled the region after laying waste to the Asgarnian city of Mournhold. Drawn to the magical power still emanating from the Witch keep of Angmar, Azhidal chose to make his court there, dividing the region of Geldrin under his warbands.
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