Goffrey Mc Gillan Character in Mundus | World Anvil
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Goffrey Mc Gillan

Goffrey Mc Gillan, elder brother to Yarpin and member of the Mc Gillan clan, was one of the finest tradesmen Umbria offered. Yarpin a fine smith, Goffrey one of the best barterers the Westfork had to offer. During the Orc wars however, he and his brothers were stripped from their positions and forced to join the military in its defense. After the war most of their homestead was raided, leaving the Mc Gillan's with little expenses. Furious with the The Night's Watch, a large part of the Mc Gillan clan sought refuge with the dwarves of the Kingdom of Mazaar. Those that remained sought to rebuild the former glory of the clan, with the brothers joining the Windhelm Trading Company. Although not entirely satisfied the brothers made due with their circumstances. When Captain Lennard Rye approached the Mc Gillan brothers to join his expedition, both quickly accepted. Now Goffrey serves as the quartermaster of the Runaar expedition he can be found in his large tent full with stock: Mc Gillan's Supplements.


Yarpin Mc Gillan

Brother (Vital)

Towards Goffrey Mc Gillan



Goffrey Mc Gillan

Brother (Vital)

Towards Yarpin Mc Gillan



Year of Birth
1398 3E 72 Years old
Yarpin Mc Gillan (Brother)


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