Session 2 : Reclamation of the Rune Report Report in Mundus | World Anvil
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Session 2 : Reclamation of the Rune Report

General Summary

Arrival in Delmholt, Khensu & Elly hesitant to enter the inn. Talked with Lemut, distrustful to his knowledge on the red ferns. Leviam attempts to cause distraction by plant stealing, Lemut asks the two woodcutters to investigate, come angry to Leviam while Thomas calms them with a cold one. Sermony comes in, Aluua & Elly go talking to Isaac who becomes very enthusiastic upon learning to be conversing with a herbalist. Grows silent when Bryan Wolovitz approaches. Thomas & Khensu go talking with Wilhelm the Wayspire Watcher. Leviam casts suggestion on chaplain Olgren who is convinced Bryan called him a liar. A fistfight between woodcutters protecting Olgren and Lemut protecting Bryan erupts. Leviam carefully escorts Olgren out of the tavern to talk with him in private. Elly uses Thaumaturgy to dim all candle light in the inn, causing Wilhelm to grapple her and take her outside for investigation. After 15 minutes he's calmed down and lets them go. Aluua joins in the fighting and helps Lemut making an ally. Thomas attempts to swing furniture at the woodcutters but quickly catches a black-eye. Things calm down and Lemut tells Aluua tomorrow Isaac can guide her and her friends to the caverns. Leviam goes to the church attempting to get Olgren as drunk as possible. Olgren uses his long filled keychain to open the chapel and goes behind the altar to get a special drink. He pours himself a big cup and Leviam only a bit. Leviam throughs away the first drink but drinks the second. Olgren after being provoked uses Fus on Leviam and tells him to leave. Leviam goes out but as Olgren closes the door he jumps it open. He uses Suggestion on Olgren to convince he needs to drink everything he has in his home. Olgren makes his way to his fire spear near the altar as Leviam attempts to hide. Olgren uses Yol on Leviam, pokes him once before Leviam can escape. He is then found by his friends who guide him back to the tavern.   Next day the party arrives at the entrance of the caverns guided by Isaac, believing Rialto cheese remains better than Rhudaur goat cheese. Isaac tells them they need to safely pass a trap from a Nordmarian orc with his goblin gang involving multiple bells. They should keep the cavern wall on their right until they reach a small hole to crawl through. They will then emerge in a clearing with the red ferns. This is in principle how they proceed, guided by the Light of Elly and Thomas's torch.   Aluua & Leviam go scouting, Thomas is making lunch with fire, Elly discovers the magic of the Ferns is mostly caused by the location not only the ferns itself (they are just large storage spaces). Upon the fire ligthing, Khensu is warned by a voice in druidic the bushes to stop what they are doing. The voice reveals itself to be a spriggan, who Thomas uses his Hold Person on to paralyze for 6 seconds. Elly & Khensu calm Thomas to quit the fighting as Aluaa & Leviam approach. Leviam takes a sneak attack to harm the spriggan, who summons two bears to aid in fighting Leviam. Leviam is downed by the bears and plays dead even though Khensu heals him with Healing Word. A small battle erupts but is halted by Khensu & Elly. Khensu asks the spriggan where to find the white onyx and the spriggan tells there are three roads to there (left = minecrawlers + middle long; middle = darkness, most dangerous and shortest; right = longest but safest). Khensu then tells there is only one way forward through the middle and only shares the truth with Aluaa & Elly. Elly asks if the spriggan would care to strike a pact to enchant the plants near her home. While the spriggan doesn't want to leave her grove, she makes a call to her brothers and sisters to see if they are interested.   Afterwards the travel continues into the dark tunnel where the party needs to descend a slippery gravel hill, not being able to see the base of the tunnel. They decide to tie themselves to each other and descend the hill unscathed. They discover a small basin with all kinds of small centipede like creatures in there with a gooey web structure further ahead. Aluaa learns the small centipedes are actually grick babies before they are attacked by two regular and one strengthened grick. Combat ensues as the strengthened grick pushes Khensu into the pit with himself. Khensu manages to crawl away from the grick while both Aluua and Leviam cut Thomas's expensive rope, which is later mended by Khensu. They then continue their travels to find themselves with two options: descending into a 20 ft. deep hole where the goo ends, or continuing further to the origin of the goo. While Leviam does attempt to continue the hall, he falls down the hole anyway.   The party finds themselves at a lake   Gargoyle   Dragon + betrayal.

Rewards Granted

  • Water elemental ice wall
  • Campaign
    By the Sword
    Report Date
    12 Mar 2022
    Secondary Location

    Articles under Session 2 : Reclamation of the Rune Report


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