Delmholt Settlement in Mundus | World Anvil
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A hamlet found roughly 2 days travelling on foot from Drakenhoff, Delmholt is a smaller hamlet to the north of the Dauer Mountains. It is found at a few hours of travel from the main road between Drakenhoff and the Gate, to the west of the road. Delmholt fares on its trade of wood, and is ruled by a guildsman from the woodworker's guild of Windhelm, the ealdorman Rorik.   Delmholt is home to many strangers who wish to travel through the pass in the Dauer Mountains to Rhudaur. Many folks spend the night at the Velvet Fleece's before continuing their journey to the larger settlements of the realm. In the early 1400s, the town attracted a lot of commotion as Marcus Vardenfell chased a dragon to its demise from the times of Valthor in the Dauer mountainrange close to town.  

Places of Notice

Rorik's Lumberjackery

Home of Rorik the Lumberjack, all the wood that is collected in the neighboring area is stored at Rorik's. Rorik's lot travel the surrounding woods of the village and are familiar to the creatures that dwell there. The building also functions as the council hall of the hamlet and the improvised barracks.    

Spindler's Hall

Delmholt's secondary reason of visit, the famous weaver family Wolovitz hold sheeps in Delmholt. Bryan Wolovitz is renowned for his fine woolcrafting, known as fleece, and spindles the material in these parts. Through his brother Lemut's tavern, his work has attracted the attention of Windhelm's nobles and even of some nordic nobles.    

Dovith - Chapel to Valthor

A small church stemming from the times of old, this church was once dedicated to the dragon cult of the Strongborn Legacy. In the times of Valthor, the old chapel was destroyed and a new one erected to praise the Dragon King himself. The chaplain Olgren now takes care of the chapel in the god's name.    

The Velvet Fleece Inn

The Velvet Fleece inn houses the travellers from the Dauer pass on their journey. The inn is well travelled and owned by Lemut Wolovitz, a brawny halfling. Apart from the travellers passing through, the inn has its regulars spending their hard-earned coin here. The inn is especially filled after a congegrate of Chaplain Olgren, as he treats all who attend the sermony to a free drink.
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