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Session VI: Welcome to the Jungle Report

General Summary

In the Jungle

Down from the hill

The adventurers return to their tale after having freed the last remaining rebel goblin. They plan a bit on what to do and decide to climb down the hill's slope using their robe. They make it down safely and venture to the West (south-west = Shire of Sloniz. After walking for 1.5 h they come across a giant rock in the middle of the jungle.  

The Jungle Rock

Climbing the rock allows for peeking over the leave tops of the giant jungle trees. Oswald decides to let his familiar scout the area and he spots many carcasses lying around. Upon nearing the below side of the rock, he is able to distinguish a small cave entrance, clearly not dug by a humanoid. The adventurers decide to enter the cave and are met with a yellowish gue which seems very acidic. Balin attempts to sneak to the back of the cave when he is suddenly ambushed by a Giant Mantis gaining the surprise on him. Combat ensues during which the yellowish goo takes with him. The adventurers make it out of the cave in the end, although most of them coughing a lot. Balin inspects the corpse's armor he found in the rear of the cave, upon which he finds out this is a magic ore chainmail with a weird insigna (Ban Grond Stormguard). In addition, he finds a Dwarven Scripture detailing where one may find an ex-dwarven stormguard's equipment. They decide to call it a day and take a Long Rest.  

Onward to the Shire

The adventurers arrive around 10 am at the village, gazing upon the town from the jungle before crossing the weed- and hopfields. They are met by a hungover goblin riding a wolf, upon which they tell Shluk to hide in the jungle until they return. The goblin takes a few hazes from his reefers and a good jug of his bear, after which he invites the adventurers into the village to meet Rognaz  

Arriving at the Shire

Talking with Rognaz

  The adventurers are met by Rognaz, to whom they explain they come overseas and wish to trade with the Shire. After a bit of chatting, Rognaz will talk to Driamzos about scheduling a meeting with Sloniz. In addition, Rognaz tells them about his treefold profession (bridge keeper, brewer and smith).  

At the quartermaster's

The adventurers are thrilled by all the wares Quartermaster Jens has to offer. After a bit of bartering, which Nalan takes the lead in, he manages to get a 10 gp discount. The adventurers agree to a sum of 140 gp for which they buy: a pack of reefers, a hooked longsword, a bottle of exquisite wine and a battering ram. Balin buys a pipe of remembrance. After settling business at Jen's, Balin decides to apply for a day-labor job at Rognaz, Tristan is invited to come back after closing hours to Jens's to brew a bit together, and Nalan & Oswald go off to Driamzos to browse for magical wares.  

At Driamzos'

Nalan and Oswald enter Driamzos's home, who greets them a bit oddly and asks them what they are looking for. Nalan fails at persuading Driamzos, even insulting him in the progress, and is escorted outside by a few bugbears. Driamzos takes a sniff from his 'sedative/medicine' after which he doesn't seem to recall who Oswald was. Oswald, still not being able to bring up the money for a scroll of Scorching rays, goes outside to discuss with Nalan what to do next.  

After closing times at Jens's

Tristan is invited downstairs into Jens's wine cellar where they start brewing together. After exchanging a few brews, among which a fine whisky made by Jens, Jens starts interrogating Tristan, asking him whether he and his friends are the people who killed Gnel. Tristan panicks and asks why he wishes to know this, to which Jens answers a bit reluctantly to slay a powerful beast. Jens quickly changes the topic back to the brewing after which Tristan joins Nalan & Oswald at the campfire.  

2nd Attempt at Driamzos'

This time Nalan & Oswald enter Driamzos's home prepared, aiming to bamboozle him over the scroll's price. This time Driamzos has other visitors as well, a bugbear and a goblin named Lars. The bugbear and Driamzos recognize Nalan, but he may stay as long as he behaves. Oswald tricks Driamzos to put the scroll over the counter and starts discussing the prize. Then, he insists Driamzos takes another sniff of his magical powder, which he insists to share with Oswald. Oswald takes a Sniff and succeeds his Intelligence Saving Throw, after which Driamzos forgets all things that past a few moments ago. Oswald attempts to trick Driamzos into the prize being 100 gp, but Lars calls it a bluff. As a response, Nalan silences Lars by offering him a reefer, after which he agrees with Oswald that they discussed a price of 120 gp. Oswald in the end offers the gold and cockatrice guts, which Driamzos tastes and starts preparing.  

At the Smithy

  After forging a steel handaxe with a serrated edge trait, Balin and Rognaz sit down for a drink, chat and smoke. Balin uses his new pipe, the pipe of remembrance, and tells of the great battles which he fought in the southern wilds. After a few shared laughs, Rognaz offers Balin a weird powder holding a few red spickles inside. He refuses Rognaz's offer but Rognaz insists Balin to take a sniff. Balin again denies the request and 2 other bugbears start approaching Balin, upon which Rognaz insists once more though a bit more threatening. Balin grabs for the newly forged axe and swings it towards an approaching bugbears head and runs for his equipment. He manages to further harm this bugbear, but Rognaz takes a sniff from the powder making him feel really dazy for around 6 seconds. Afterwards he runs towards Balin in a rage like state and knocks him out with a great blow from his mace.

Rewards Granted

Chain Mail +1 Dwarven Scripture Scroll of Scorching Rays

Missions/Quests Completed

The adventurers arrived at the Shire of Sloniz and found out the village is led by Sloniz and two other Nilbog sorcerers. Balin ends up in a fight with Rognaz which he loses.

Created Content

Magic sedative of Driamzos Lyrium infused powder of Rognaz (giving a rage-like boon and then making the user very tired and inclined to speak the truth).
The Island of Runaar
Tristan Zabaleta
Level 5 Human Neutral Ranger (Monster Slayer)
/ 38 HP
Oswald Fleetfeet
TN halfling(gnome) (cloistered scholar)
wizard 5
26 / 26 HP
Report Date
13 Jul 2020
Primary Location


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