Shalidor Artenzan Character in Mundus | World Anvil
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Shalidor Artenzan

Arch-Mage Shalidor Artenzan


Shalidor Artenzan used to be a Zemerian Magister from noble birth. He obtained his Augury "On Shielding the Extraplanar" at the Adamantine Tower and worked as First Augur at the Academy of Dellmount. In the year 1399 the Artenzan family falls into disfavor with the Zemerian Empire, leading to an imperial investigation against Shalidor and his Auguron. Desperate, Shalidor contacts the foreign dignitary Marcus Vardenfell. He asks for a safe-haven for him and his Auguron, to which Marcus complies by erecting the Wayspire. Shalidor flees Zemeria in 1400, travelling by sea through Bakaresh and Orsinium.   In the years to come, Shalidor would be named Arch-Mage of the Wayspire and become the prime advisor of Marcus on magical topics. Among his achievements are the excavation of the Arcanium and the Wayspring concordate, after which graduate mages were allowed to roam The Watchlands. In addition, he persuaded other Zemerian colleagues of his to join the Wayspire, among which Thymus Darentius with an Augurate in Conjuration.  


Shalidor is a powerful magic practitioner, specializing in the school of Abjuration.  


Shalidor is an overall friendly honest man who rarely lies or tricks others. As his age grows, he has grown all the wiser. Although overall kind, he does not take kindly on transgressions being made against the Wayspire conducts. As such, graduate transgressers are rarely met with mercy from Shalidor, believing they should be all the wiser. Similarly, those who betray his trust will likely never earn it again.  


Shalidor wishes to see the freedom of mages grow in The Watchlands. While the Wayspring concordate has brought much of his ambitions to life, he hopes to further increase their freedom and rights. Since the elves of the long past have started surfacing, he has been particularly interested in unrevealing their stories.  


Shalidor is a good friend to Thrask Thornhold and Marcus Vardenfell. He protects his students and colleagues from those that would harm them, including the  


Shalidor is not too forgiving, in particular to those who he has spoken his trust. Furthermore, his views have significantly changed on the superiority of mages, but he hasn't stopped believing in their true equality either. He believes mages to be superior, but they should live in service of the inferior, to guide them to the best imaginable future.
Year of Birth
1361 3E 109 Years old
Current Residence
Aligned Organization


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