Thrask Thornhold Character in Mundus | World Anvil
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Thrask Thornhold

Chaptermaster of the Wayspire


Thrask was born in the town of Denerim located in the Falklands in the times of Ulthar III Strongborn. He took to the Night's Watch before the days of its separation from the Kingdom of Gotha, hoping to earn enough wages to keep up his local household. From early age on, he has been exposed both to the wonders and disasters of magic. Among the wonders of magic, he holds magic's regenerative properties. Returning life to once desolate areas and the curing of ailments among his favorites. Yet, the Oblivion Crisis has clearly shown the great destructive potential of magic and its wielders, destroying many towns in his home area. It is through these experiences Thrask has developed his curious yet weary approach to magic and its users. It was therefore no surprise that Marcus Vardenfell himself appointed Thrask as Chaptermaster of the Wayspire, granting him responsibility over its magical research. Although he may seem very strict to the initiates, those magicians that have earned his t(h)rust know Thrask means well and enjoy more freedom.   During his time as Chaptermaster, Thrask has kept a close eye on all research being exerted in the Wayspire. As his local subjects are far from the ordinary peasant, Thrask has developed a multitude of laws designed specifically to safeguard both the common folk and the magicians. He even passionately wrote a book on this topic, known as "Magicians and the Watchlands: A Watcher's Tenets". Apart from this, Thrask found a specialized order within the Night's Watch known as the Wayspire Watchers: responsible for the recruitment of mages, their protection and restraint.  


Thrask is a capable warrior wearing medium-armor, a mace and shield. He has adapted a fighting-style designed to counter magic-wielders, which he tutors to his Watchers. In addition, Thrask is a true linguist, knowing languages from Daedric to Ancient Dwemer (a Dwarvish dialect spoken by the ancient inhabitants of Mazaar).  


Thrask is a caring person, often taking on a mentoring roll for his pupils. Thrask is known to show mercy to his foes. He disregards free practitioners of magic, believing on all mages should be affiliated to a governing organisation. In addition, he holds a grave grudge against magic concerning Daedrology, often needing to be persuaded by his colleagues or Shalidor to sanction a large Conjuration experiment.  


Thrask thrives for a world where magic is a tool for society, not an entryway to Chaos & Destruction. Ideally, all mages would hold this same view to magic in his eyes. As he regards this unrealistic, he would see each magician accompanied by a Watcher ensuring they don't stave from the path of justice.  


Thrask has multiple relatives holding positions in and around the city of Denerim. Furthermore, his Watchers are very dear to him. He doesn't hold many friends among the magicians he safeguards in the Wayspire, but most show him his respect. Among his friends is their representative Shalidor.  


Thrask wishes to fix the inland before looking at the outland. He believes many Chaptermasters should first get their Chapters in orders. Although this doesn't reflect in his own doings, with Thrask keeping excellent communications with Orsinium, he can be judgmental to others on these affairs. Furthermore, Thrask may judge too harshly on certain magical affiliations and experiments, depending on your point of view.  


Thrask houlds excellent relations with southern neighbors of Orsinium and has been a friend to all Lord Commanders since the founding of The Watchlands (Marcus Vardenfell, Eduard Stark and William Longblade)
1368 3E 1456 3E 88 years old
Current Residence
The Wayspire
Chestnutt long
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
With Thrask guarding the Orsinium frontier and holding responsibility over Daedra-invoking magicians, Thrask has acquired knowledge of a multitude of languages. This makes him a true linguist.
Ruled Locations


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