Valthor in Mundus | World Anvil
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Valthor the Risen, god of Dragons, ascended to godhood by usurping Akatosh's powers, in the year 1404 of the 3rd era. This resulted in the splitting of Akatosh's personality into Auriel, along with his plane of 'Cloud Ruler City'. Valthor resides in his plane of oblivion 'Revak Dov', or 'Sanctuary of Dragons' roughly translated to common tongue.  


Valthor was born somewhere in the 3rd Era in the lands of the Old Kingdom. Being born into a powerful sorcerer bloodline as a dragonborn, Valthor proved quite powerful from early on. He united followers from over the realm to form his dragon cult. Later Valthor would merge with the soul of an alpha dragon to reach his full power. With this fusing he gained the ability to grant the powers of a Dragon Lord to his followers: Dragon Lords have the ability to shape shift into a dragon at will by using a rune holding a dragon's soul. Valthor built an imperium with his cult, enlisting cultists, dragons and dragon lords into his services.    
  • Ulthar I Strongborn. Being both a Dragon Lord and Dragonborn, Ulthar ranked among the most prestigious among the dragon cultists.
  • His right-hand Isengrim Valdris. Isengrim was both a Dragon Lord and a powerful sorcerer. After both the fallings of the Dragon Cult he went into hiding, pursuing his obsession of absorbing an alpha dragon's soul.
  • His champion Dagoth Ur. Undefeated in battle Dagoth Ur is probably the most-feared within the Dragon Cult, serving Valthor as Dragon Lord. Dagoth Ur is rumored to roam Asgarnia after Valthor's ascension.
    With his dragon cult, Valthor attempted to ascend to godhood in 3E:800, by using the Ominex Gate located in the Old Kingdom. His ascension was halted however by the 8 Heroes of Old, sending him to a prison in the Void in the process. Here he remained until after the Oblivion Crisis. His return to Mundus in 3E:1402 caused the Veil to tear, resulting in demonic rifts appearing through Mundus.   Upon his return to Mundus, Valthor rendered the Ominex Gate in the Old Kingdom useless. Therefore, Valthor reassembled his forces to march on the Ominex Gate located in the Dragontail Mountains. In 3E:1404 he succeeded in travelling to Akatosh's oblivion plane of 'Cloud Ruler City' were he usurped part of Akatosh's power. This resulted in Valthor's ascension and the splitting of Akatosh's powers between Valthor and his alterego Auriel. Unable to return to Mundus from his plane of Oblivion 'Revak Dov', he resides there teaching the Thuum to those that seek his calling.


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