Ulthar I Strongborn Character in Mundus | World Anvil
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Ulthar I Strongborn

Ulthar Strongborn was one of the eight companions who vanquished the Dragon King Valthor in the year 820. Not much is known of his early life, apart from Ulthar serving among the high ranks of Valthor's army, being awarded the secret to Dragon Lordship by Valthor during his time of service. Late in the war, he betrayed his master and joined the fight against Valthor both through sabotage and eventually direct conflict. After Valthor's banisment to the Void by the companions, the Old Kingdom was left in ruins, resulting in Ulthar and his two brothers, Isildur and Gorax to sail east over the Widewater.   Until now this voyage is the only known successful voyage over the Widewater. During their travels the brothers encountered several adventures and eventually reached the Westfork. Ulthar settled among the peoples of Gotha, where there was a large presence of the Dragon Cult. With Ulthar's capability to take the Dragon form and him being a dragonborn, he was soon revered across the lands. This eventually led to his coronation as king of the Kingdom of Gotha. After his coronation Ulthar waged war on the people of Ironheim, eventually adding the region to his newfound kingdom. He defeated the lord of Ironheim in a duel and was able to conquer the region with little further bloodshed. His next target was the Nordic Kingdom of Windhelm. During this war he found his untimely death and was succeeded by his son Gareth. His brother Isildur went on to found the Myrtanian kingdom and Gorax joined the water mages of Adanos.
Year of Death
852 3E


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