William Longblade Character in Mundus | World Anvil
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William Longblade

Chaptermaster of Windhelm


William was born and raised in the streets of Windhelm, during the reign of Marcus Vardenfell. With his parents holding great shares in the Windhelm Trading Company, and even co-founding it, he was destined to stand at its head. He is named Chaptermaster of Windhelm in the year 1405, shortly before the Nordmarian Orc Invasion.   William has always been a man of the people. From sharing his wealth with beggars, to attending the local pubs, William holds out for his own. In particular, he's always had a love for the seamen. Would he not have felt the call from The Night's Watch, he surely would have taken to the sea. Nevertheless, he has led multiple expeditions from the Trading Company in his lifetime, becoming a capable captain. The acquisition of riches and wealth has always been in his interest, believing the Watch may only grow to its full potential by holding enough wealth to spare.   During his time as Chaptermaster, William has ensured the safeguard of his people against the waves of Nordmarian Orcs. After the Watch's triumph, William has dedicated his resources to the extension of Windhelm's harbor. As Lord Commander he would strengthen the Trading Company through his investments in Thessalonikos, and thereby increase the Watch's wealth.   Additionally, William has been gifted with magical capabilities. Although he has never received proper training, he knows how to hurl a firebolt at his foes.  


William tendds to fight equipped with a Longsword and Magic, similar to an Eldritch Knight archetype in D&D-terminology. In addition, he is a renowned speaker at courts and knows how to sail a warship.  


William can be described as a loving, ambitious man, with a thirst for protecting the innocent and meek.  


Ideally, William would shape a world where no harm is done upon the common. Although born into nobility, he holds out for the poor. Only one's actions should define themselves, not their birth or heritage. Furthermore, he believes the Watch may only grow by holding great amounts of wealth.  


William is affiliated to the common-folk and those that cannot fend for themselves. Furthermore, he holds the Windhelm Trading Company in high regard.  


In his ambitious quest for equality, William can easily lose track of the current state of affairs. For instance, he'd treat refugees from far off-lands to food and shelter, commandeering the local lords' stashes. In addition, his affiliations with his hometown have made him somewhat isolated from the rest of the world.  


Friend of all nationalities, ethnicities and religions.
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
William has held titles ranging from Harbor Master of the company, Chaptermaster of Windhelm and finally Lord Commander of the Night's Watch.
Year of Birth
1381 3E 89 Years old
Current Residence
Aligned Organization


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